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Stupid Mistakes You Have Done To Your Car?


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Helped a mate change the oil on his GFs pulsar once (when I say help I mean stand around and talk sh!t)

He's under there, draining the sump out and changing the oil filter etc. We fill the new oil in, do it all back up and its done.

Car drives out of the driveway blowing HUGE amounts of smoke everywhere, he calls her back and we have a look.

Turns out the numpty has drained all the auto fluid out of the gearbox, replaced the sump plug and then proceeded to add 5L extra engine oil to the already full sump!!!

Poor little 1.6L was swimming in the stuff...lolol

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ripping out the interior of my x d and painting all the vinyl black with cans of vinyl/trim paint from repco. I even did the roof lining. breathing in the fumes took about 10 years off my life. it was 9 or so years ago, I can still smell it. laying on my back. spraying the roof. WHYYYYYYY. it looked... average at best

Edited by aimz rokafi
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mate dropped the oil in his torana gearbox, couple beers, then does engine oil change, goes for a lap, no oil in gearbox, skids, no gearbox

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was changing the engine and gearbox oil on my patrol ute in a mates shop with his 4 post hoist had one of those telescopic oil catchers on the stand to drain all the old oil into after I was done took the catch can off the stand and emptied it into his waste oil drum then came back and started lowereing the hoist to take the oil filters off, and I left the stand for the catch can under the hoist and smashed the sump in not F***ing happy jan was due to go on a big 4wding camping trip the next day.

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/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ thought u were gunna say installing that sticker kit in your avatar /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

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Watched an apprentice change brake pads in some sorta mini van, backed it off the hoist and forgot to pump the brakes, reversed straight into a falcon that was on the hoist behind him, almost pushed the falcon off the hoist, smashed the minivans tailgate to pieces and scared the sh*t outa me! Amongst many others...

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when I still owned my pulsar driving to work one day after 20km of open road stopped at a set of lights and saw smoke coming out of the side of my bonnet

lift up my bonnet a minute later when I got to work and see oil all over the engine and bottom side of bonnet

lesson learnt always check oil cap is back on after topping up oil



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Lol, well when I was a first year I put a diff in a falcon ute and assumed it was full of oil, roadtester drove it and seems my assumption was incorrect haha, let the smoke out

Seen a tech do a tailgate glass on an exploder and do the bolts up too tight... Smaasshhhh

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