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  • Member For: 14y 2m 10d
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I think we all have been or are in the same boat at some time or another.

I am also in that boat where I am bored in my job and always looking for another avenue, the stuck feeling is the worst. the worst part about my situation is that I havee actually left my job a few times and done other things but have always come back to the current same boring job im doing now. I think its the money part that makes me stuck.

Sounds like you need to take some annual leave or something and rest your mind.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 21d
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Yeh I hear ya money has a decent control ova most if us funny really

So who has a job that they totally love I mean its not really a bad day at the office for the likes of mark winterbottom and john zappia

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  • Turboless
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Being famous wouldn't be bad lol. Make money to do not much haha

Yeh I agree with u henz it'd get boring but I'm just after a job away from carpentry before I hate it. Because I do love it but it soon could be far from it. Hmm not sure tbh..sigh

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Nar been on this band wagon for at least two years just always worried about making a jump always been so cautious with work

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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 19y 2m 16d
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  • as you may have realised by now jet I get bored fairly quick, and like you cars are my one big passion in life and am lucky enough to be in a position to be able to buy/build a business in the car scene, just can't bring myself to do it because a wise man once told me if you mix your passion with your business you will lose both.....dunno if true but I can see working on camry's or EL falcons all day would wear thinner than my hair real quick. Why not instead of buying a 2nd house look at buying a business for you and fluff to run and make your own???

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 1m 15d
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  • Location: 720 East Kensington Road
  • as you may have realised by now jet I get bored fairly quick, and like you cars are my one big passion in life and am lucky enough to be in a position to be able to buy/build a business in the car scene, just can't bring myself to do it because a wise man once told me if you mix your passion with your business you will lose both.....dunno if true but I can see working on camry's or EL falcons all day would wear thinner than my hair real quick. Why not instead of buying a 2nd house look at buying a business for you and fluff to run and make your own???

I love what I do, I also did this as a way to keep myself from spending money on cars and curb the always thinking about cars thing that I had going, it has worked, I really can't be farked with my car anymore, it gets driven to work everyday which is like 4-5 km's from home and doesn't get used on the weekends at all, fark a full tank of fuel lasts me 3 weeks. Working on other peoples cars gives me something new everyday to play with.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 21d
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  • Location: Adelaide

definately seen alot of people start a business and I dont know what it is with me but I see alot of time,effort,blood sweat tears and then it didnt quite pay off like they thought, I mean theres heaps of storys of people making it and provoing very well but I have that thing in the back of my mind that just tels me FAIL and a huge bill or have to go bankrupt

I first started work at 15 at mc donnalds then got a 2nd job at big w worked both for a wile then started my appy ship at 17 my dad had to sign me on and for the first 3 months I worked during the day as a appy spark then went to mc donnalds to do a 3 or 4 hr shift at night , after 3 months or so I was toast and just stayed focused on doing the real work.

scince that day ive always done electrical and now really appreciate the spot iam in but its like back when u were a kid ( dont count for u daz wayyyyyyy to old lol) but ud get a super nintendo and play mortal kombat or street fighter 2 all the way through over and over again until u knew u had it smashed but then comes the moment where your like " ok what now " the thrill is the learning experiance for me. but apart of me feels burnt out aswell

not holiday spec need a rest but need a rest of what ive been doing, I know some would say wow 12 years whoopiee ive doing this for 30, buut trust me that doesnt make them smarter no way.

think iam gunna make an effort to have a shot for a coupla months and see what the new thing brings

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