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What's That Noise?


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  • Member For: 16y 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Sydney

Recently did a oil and filter change along with the turbo oil supply screen removeal and have noticed a very fast ticking noise, it almost sounds like a deisel If you get close enough.

So could the noise be from the engine sucking air some where, maybe I didn't do a bolt up tight enough, but I was sure to loctite every thread and do things up tight. It does sound like its coming from inside something though. It is coming from around the area of the turbo oil filter.

Here's a quick video.


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  • Member For: 16y 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Sydney

Hmm, injectors, the missus did l fill up with e10 because " it's said it's e10 comparable on the fuel cap..and it was cheap at the time!" So she said, so maybe it's because of pinging? I'll fill up with 98 again once it's empty, see if it stops.

The noise isn't that loud, you can only hear it when you pop the bonnet.

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