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Injured Xr6turbo:(

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Just curious as to whether the Air Bags deployed or not??

yeah mate the two front ones did I heard they are about $1000 each to fix

Make sure the panel shop check the seat belt pretensioners as well.If the air bags have deployed so would have the pretensioners.

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Sorry to hear about your woes but unfortunatly on the 23 of Dec I had my own problems as well.

I was stopped at a red light minding my own business when two cars on the other side of the road(highway) collided and came straight accross the median strip(don't know if I spelt it right you know that big grass area that divideds the highway) and one of them hit the front of my T.

Fortunatly I was able to drive it (just, as the front bumper was pushed in and only mm away from the tyre) I was also able to lodge the claim and take it to the pannel shop for quote/ booking in.

The final quote was alot cheaper than I expected. They are replacing the drivers front gaurd, front bumper, headlight and driving light(which I replaced about two months ago from a flying stone) $2180. They also heated the bumper and pushed it out for me so I could drive it properly. Apart from the support for the headlight nothing else was damaged.

Problem was they were closed for Christmas and the earliest they could get it in was 12/01/04. On Thurs they called me saying there was a problem with the T and asked if I had some theft protection on the car as when they reconnected the battery on the premium sound screen was the words "SHUTDOWN MODE" and nothing would work no ignition nothing. They flatbedded it to a Ford dealer who claimed due to the battery being disconnected for a long period of time the computer lost it's memory so they flashed it with the latest update and all was well. When the pannel shop got it back the Air bag light would not go out so they took it back to the dealer who now is replacing the modual. I will be lucky to get it back by Wed next week.

Has anyone else has this kind of problem or did they fry the computer when they reconnected the battery and are giving me the run around??????

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Update on my issue.

Incompetant morons that about says it all.

Spoke to the service manager at Ford to find out the real story about my car.

1st problem (apparent loss of memory to the computer BULLSH*T)

The panel shop pushed in one of the connectors when connecting up the wiring loom. Not a complete circut it won't go 5min fix

2nd Problem (apparent air bag light due to first problem again BULLSH*T)

All Air bag Crash sensors by law are required to be replaced in the event of an accident even if air bag is not deployed. Saftey mechnism of the car illuminates the light. This is law and common on most cars so they would have known this. When Ford went to replace sensors they found pannel shop had incorrectly laid the wiring to the sensors and had to pull the radiator out to relay the wires in the correct location.

For Christ sake how stupid can you be if you can't even lay the wires back correctly.

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  • Member For: 21y 9m 21d
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Update on my issue.

Incompetant morons that about says it all.

Spoke to the service manager at Ford to find out the real story about my car.

1st problem (apparent loss of memory to the computer BULLSH*T)

The panel shop pushed in one of the connectors when connecting up the wiring loom. Not a complete circut it won't go 5min fix

2nd Problem (apparent air bag light due to first problem again BULLSH*T)

All Air bag Crash sensors by law are required to be replaced in the event of an accident even if air bag is not deployed. Saftey mechnism of the car illuminates the light. This is law and common on most cars so they would have known this. When Ford went to replace sensors they found pannel shop had incorrectly laid the wiring to the sensors and had to pull the radiator out to relay the wires in the correct location.

For Christ sake how stupid can you be if you can't even lay the wires back correctly.

Looks like even the dealer is feeding you a load of crap as well.

First problem:-If you reconnect the battery while the ignition is in the accessory position the display on the ICC will display this.All you have to do is cycle the ignition all the way off then to the on position.If this doesnt work you disconnect the battery,make sure the ignition is in the off position then reconnect the battery,turn the ignition on and the display will breifly display SECURITY ERROR then go to normal display and the car will start.The only other thing it could've done is forgotten the trained keys.This only involves a Key retrain procedure for the BEM not a PCM reflash.

Second problem:-If the SRS on the vehicle didn't deploy in the accident there is no need to replace any of the components in the whole system.The only reason most places replace them is to make extra money from the job.Because they are safety devices the insurance companies can't argue.Sounds to me like they damaged the system themselves and they're trying to make the insurance company pay for thier stuff up.

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Thanks for that info. Although both the dealer and pannel shop said they did try what you described first. The confusion to me is that the two parties are giving conflicting stories and the dealership had a more convincing argument than the pannel shop. Either way I never fully trust either of them. As for the second point as I am not paying for it as the accident was not my fault I personally don't care how much they charge the Insurance co so long as they have installed all the components on the final invoice but you are probably right they did the damage themselves and are trying to cover it up.

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