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Injured Xr6turbo:(

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Sorry to hear about your accident, I share your pain. I'm still waiting to get mine back from the panel beaters. :(

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I've had two nasty impacts on my car, but both times only the bumper was damaged. So it had no effect on how well the car went. I reckon if the repairer does a good job, your car should be as good as new again. <_<

As for your photo upload, are you waiting for the browser to refresh itself with your new post? Or are you clicking on something to go to a new page? I think if you don't wait long enough, it only uploads part of the photo. Not sure though.

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Guest Scootre
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UNTIL christmas eve I was coming home from the coast and a bloody  <_< volvo driver turned in front of me and I hit her at 50 kms


Sheesh - that's bad luck mate. Really sorry to hear it. :( How much damage to the bloody Volvo? Were the Police called and was the woman charged?

Glad you're OK.

Twice in ten mins the other night I had people pull out in front of me at intersections - one of them got real close to doing to me what the Volvo did to you. <_< There will always be drivers like that out there. Just be sure you ain't one of them. 8)

and I heard when cars are in a smash they are just not the same but I don't have the option to sell her yet as I will loose to much money.

These days, with a good repairer, you won't ever know. Especially for damage like you've described. If it was a really serious accident - one where you were lucky to "walk out of" then I think you could be worried about the repair.

I am hoping to get her back maybe march some time so I can injoy her again

I think you'll get it back before then. It ain't as if they have to import parts from overseas.

ps. sorry about the bad news. I know nobody wants to hear things like that

I'm glad you've shared your story. Hopefully sharing the info makes a few of us a bit more relaxed about these things knowing that sh!t like this really does happen. There's nothing you can do about it. Good luck with it mate. Your car will be fine. ;)

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Sorry to hear about your ride. I drive a fair bit on the country roads and I nearly die every time I see some paint chipped off - big or small (lucky I got a mate in panel beating, who fixes it up quick smart), so in a way some what know how your feeling.

Good to see your still in good spirits though. I know it will be hard, but she'll be back in no time.

Keep us posted.

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its good to see your being calm about it all though. just taking it under your wing...very cool

yeah iam still piss off though but what can I do I have my 1977 mini to drive now:D and its slow :thumbsup:

As for your photo upload, are you waiting for the browser to refresh itself

yeah I will try that it makes sense thanks

Sheesh - that's bad luck mate. Really sorry to hear it.  How much damage to the bloody Volvo? Were the Police called and was the woman charged?

thanks mate, yeah the volvo car had a few dents but not much damage at all :( I should of put my foot down ;) we had the cops, fire bridade the works but the police couldn't speek to her cause she pasted out and got a broken rib but they caught up with her.

Sorry to hear about your ride. I drive a fair bit on the country roads and I nearly die every time I see some paint chipped off - big or small (lucky I got a mate in panel beating, who fixes it up quick smart), so in a way some what know how your feeling.

yeah I know I nearly cryed when I saw her get towed away that night.

I will try the pic again, this is before she was injured. smashed pics soon


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Wooo hooo well done you can see the wheels and everything now.

Sorry about your car though.

I will not tell you about ....

my friend who fell asleep crashed her sisters brand new (1 week old) Pulsar into a bank. It was repaired but never the same, and each time you turned left the interior light came on.

...beacuse that will just upset you. :thumbsup:

But seriously the BA is a lot tougher than a 1990 model pulsar and booffing a Volvo at 50ks is better than an embankment at almost 100k's.

Bloody volvo drivers...

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damn! feel sorry for you. I thought ours was bad after about 3 days...1st scratch...

hey goose, where did you smash yours? bit more than a bloody ding alright!


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