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Ba/bf Tub Hole Plugs/buttons/pins (After Fitting Hard Lid)


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  • Member For: 13y 10m 1d

Hey guys,

As some of you may have experienced, when fitting a hard lid, or already having a hard lid fitted, sometimes the soft tonneau tie down knobs are still on the tub and IMO look horrible.

Yeah they are just a quick drill and remove, but now the little holes are left.

Just like most, I chased up Ford Spares, and was quoted $4.50 a plug (unpainted), so over $80 for the 20. Ouch!!!

I decided to be a tight ass and chase up all the aftermarket Tonneau Lid companies to see if any of them supplied these plugs. None of them did except for one.

Good old Tuff Tonneaus (www.tto.com.au)

They ended up costing me something like $32 posted to my work (interstate)

But before I created this post, I had them painted and fitted first and they turned out fantastic. They took the paint perfectly and are about as small as you can get (smaller than Ford's). They each clipped in nice and strong and don't budge a bit.

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This means nothing without pics of it?

Do you work for them seems like your trying to sell something.

And many people actually get them welded up and sanded back then repaint so its as if they were never there.

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  • Member For: 12y 8m 15d

Lol anywayyyy mate thanks for posting this info !! I have the ford plugs and am missing a few .. Was going to replace them with ford ones but after reading your thread I think I'm going to get those your talking about ... The ford ones are a bit big In my opinion also ...

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@Wenier - If I worked for Tuff Tonneaus, don't you think I would be trying to sell Hard Lids worth bigger $$$ then a pack of friggin plugs worth $30 lol. This is just a good find I thought other members might find useful. It's obviously no use to you, so please butt out.

@IMLOCO - That's exactly my point. The Ford ones are quite chuncky and not every person here has the time and money to go filling up holes and repainting everything.

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  • Member For: 13y 10m 1d

Well I took a pic at lunch anyway. You can even see the outline where the old tie down knob use to be lol


Plus there are that many tubs about where blokes remove them, throw an alloy work tray on and then flog it on ebay for around $500-1000. I would rather repaint a BF (no hole) tub than sit there welding up 20 holes :)

Edited by ALIAS-XR6T
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