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Stone Chips


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  • Member For: 13y 10m
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Burwood, NSW

The M4 in Sydney is literally packed with all those massive tipper trucks, who dont cover their loads...you can literally see the stones flying off the back of them...

yep deal with those cuntz as well.

even worse when there is 2 of them side by side taking up the right hand lanes and you cant get past them.

but all the cops want to do is ping blokes doing 15+ instead of making these donkeys cover thier loads!!

makes me rage so much!

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  • Member For: 19y 9m 24d

Yeah that's exactly right...they sit there and hog all the lanes, its an every day ordeal for me...and allot of times you're stuck because you can't pass them, especially at peak hour times, and even if you do pass them, there's another one a couple of hundred metres infront of the one you just passed... so you end up copping the bombrdment for literaly the whole time you are on the motorway.

Im glad someone shares my pain, I was starting to think I was the only poor bastard copping the stone chips on a daily basis...

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 10d
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I copped a stone, well probably a rock off the back of a truck coming the other way about a year ago. Actually made me duck behind the wheel, I thought someone had shot at the car it was that loud. Pulled over after it to find a huge dint and gouge in the bonnet and 3 chips in the windscreen. Lucky it didn't smash the windscreen. Ended up getting a new bonnet for 200 bucks.

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