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Ba Still Has Steering Wheel Shudder Any Speed!? Help


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  • Member For: 12y 9m 16d

Thanks Guys- All will be revealed tomorrow at Pedders- I will get them to have a look at the front end- see how I go from there. I took it to another mechanic today who took it for a drive. He said that it drove really well- he couldn't feel any vibration- maybe I am sensitive to this stuff? I can only hope that I find the problem or I will have to wear padded driving gloves so I don't feel them- lol

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  • Member For: 14y 11m 10d

Late into the conversation but I've got this issue in my BA mkii. Had it for 4 years and have had this issue to a lesser extent for a while but don't drive it usually anywhere but around town at 60 -70. Was on the freeway here In Perth up to about 100 the other day with better half and 3 kids in the car and it was shaking ridiculously. Pulled over for a minute took off again and it was smooth as silk for the rest of the 5ks home. But it doing that with other people in the car convinced me to do something so put it in the shop and had steering rack replaced, new lower ball joints, discs machined all on mechanics advice, but also from reading a bit on here, asked to have a look at the booster rod and adjust shorter if it needed. Got it back and driving it around town it felt great so thought you beauty will see how it goes at speed...onto the freeway and up to 90, then sure enough...light shudder turns into heavier shudder and full on shake - nearly started sobbing:-) Prior to the above stuff, have spent about $2k on other brake related replacement/repairs. Dunno much about cars and love this one mostly and the power, room, looks etc.. but am tempted to sell it now as and I would just get another one but looks like it's quite a widespread BA issue, and just like me seems to be driving lots of people frickin mental. Wish I had a fix to share but having a rant instead :-)

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  • Member For: 11y 2m 18d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Brisbane

Its hard to make a suggestion without knowing exactly whats already been done. Like what bushes have been replaced if any?

Does the vibration get worse at a constant speed or as speed increases? Is there a sweet spot where it goes away? When you say shake does it move the wheel violently, the brake pedal, or both? Is it any different throughout a heat cycle? If you jack the car up do the wheels have any play(wheel bearings)?

Edited by barnz
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