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Ba Still Has Steering Wheel Shudder Any Speed!? Help


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  • Member For: 14y 11m 10d

For the front I've had new front discs, pads and reconditioned callipers about 9 months ago, about 2 weeks ago both lower ball joints and

also the steering rack which was clicking and needed changing anyway apparently and the wheel bearings were checked and the booster rod as well. For bushes have only had a new one for the diff but none in front. It happens around 90-100 when the cars been running for at least 5 minutes and at constant speed, the last time I had been at 95-100 for 5kms. I've had times when it's been fine on the freeway drive from home to just north of Perth which is 15-20 mins and done it on the way back but its also happened on the way out and not on the way back. Tremble in steering wheel to shaking violently takes maybe 45secs -1 min and I slow down pull over and stop and best way I can describe the shake severity is you have to grip the steering wheel very tight with both hands to keep it straight even while it's slowing down am no way car cluey but guessing this is how warped discs would feel. I'll report back if/when I find out

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  • Member For: 11y 2m 18d
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The violent steering wheel shake indicates its definitely front end related and bushes as mentioned would be a good place to start. Discs will continue to warp very quickly if there are underlying issues. Wheel bearings, worn control arm bushes ect.

Warped front discs will make the wheel shake but usually not to the point where you feel like pulling over and should pretty much go away when the brakes are released.

Get it into a good suspension place and get it sorted, then get your discs machined if they arent that old.

Also as mentioned a sticking caliper could be the cause but you did say you've had them rebuilt, if you have a cheap inferred thermometer you could see if any one of the rotors is generating an unusual amount of heat when the shaking starts. Just to double check.

Edited by barnz
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  • Member For: 14y 11m 10d

OK thanks am in saving mode again now but when I take it back in will ask for these as first to be looked at. Will have to be the Focus for any freeway trips for a while

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 4d
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Front tyres will be out of round now also due to the failed lower and upper control arm bushes which makes it worse again! I had brand new tyres all round and it failed on me on a drive back from Mackay to Townsville (400km). Tyres are completely farked even though looking at them you'd think their ok until you use them....

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  • Member For: 14y 11m 10d

Just been looking around sites at prices for the booster and control arm bushes costs and they're not ridiculously expensive so if it's either one of these it's not gonna break me but will see what the mechanic reckons on labour for either/both of these. Have had the car for 4 years is that a good innings for front bushes normally?

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