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Need To Get My Shine Back!


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went through a similar challenge before but could jusitify the detail on a semi regular basis. I've paid about $800 for my cleaning kit and have everything now, this will last me 10-15 more cleans so in terms of investment I'm well in front on the $300-$400 per detail cost. start buying bits and pieces and get your self a good random orbital buffer - stay away from the ones at super cheap they are rubbish.

take a look at the products here, this is where I get most of my kit and they have a great range.


Also have a bunch of you tube clips on various cleaning techniques clay barring, waxing, polishing, swirl removal etc

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Pretty sure this needs to be on page 2 as well, fantastic!


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I went in to the warehouse yesterday and had a crack at my old bus - I underestimated how bad it really was...

Forgot my cutting compound too, so all I could really do was get all the crap off the paint with claybar and paint cleaner, then polish and wax to seal it up. Looks a hell of a lot better, but the bonnet and roof need heaps more work.

Started with this after a two bucket wash







Spent plenty of time using the clay bar to get all the crap off the paint (and revealing how many stone chips my paint has :crybaby: ) So I started with the best possible surface before using regular off the shelf Meguires products Paint Cleaner, Professional Glaze polish and Carnauba Wax.

Ready to clay bar


Applied everything with the Mothers "Wax Attack" buffer and a bit of elbow grease...came up with these results (taken inside since it was getting dark outside)







Spent most of the day there, had a couple of friends come past so it took a bit longer. The bonnet was an absolute b*tch though, it was very hard to apply and remove products - perhaps someone can shed some light on this?

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Came up pretty good senna! Hard to see as some of the after photos are a little blurry.

Mine's fairly similar in terms of swirls so I wonder if it would just work out cheaper to get a proper cut and polish and then just wax to maintain it? What would you do Senna, would you prefer to go through and do it all yourself or get a professional to cut and polish and then just apply the wax yourself. Between buying all the products and buff etc the latter would probably work out $150 or so more expensive but would probably get a better result!

Hmm got nothing to do all next week so might just try a panel myself and see how I go

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I should also mention that my photographic ability is terrible at best....

Now that the paint is relatively clean I'll go at it again but with the polyglaze compound I have. Try to fix up the bonnet and roof a bit better

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Clear tail lights O___O

Lol, yeah yeah - they've been there since I was younger....I keep an eye out for BF taillights when I remember, but since its a black car with black housings they don't stand out as bad as some


Came up pretty good senna! Hard to see as some of the after photos are a little blurry. Mine's fairly similar in terms of swirls so I wonder if it would just work out cheaper to get a proper cut and polish and then just wax to maintain it? What would you do Senna, would you prefer to go through and do it all yourself or get a professional to cut and polish and then just apply the wax yourself. Between buying all the products and buff etc the latter would probably work out $150 or so more expensive but would probably get a better result! Hmm got nothing to do all next week so might just try a panel myself and see how I go

Personally I enjoy the slight OCD feeling I get when I put a day aside to make it look good. When its all done and you stand back the car looks amazing compared to before. I'll try to take some whole car shots as the side cam up brilliantly.

If the paint is bad I would pay a professional to get it back to a decent state, then keep the maintenance up yourself.

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Bonnet hot?

Always found it the easiest panel, but only ever done it at home where the only driving is putting it back in the garage.

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Nah mines no worse than yours Senna and its only swirls, no big scratches or anything. I'm a bit like that too, I enjoy doing a job myself and getting the satisfaction of doing a good job.

Might just give it a try, see if it comes out any good and if it does do the whole car, if not I'll get it cut and then just wax myself.

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