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5?rwkw Na->turbo Conversion


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  • The Toxic Rocket
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  • Member For: 14y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Brisbane

Yeah and no. I think we had 3ish runs but I don't think they were "clean". Also he was zf and bloody quick

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  • The Toxic Rocket
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  • Member For: 14y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Brisbane

about 37,000km now. Car feels fantastic still. Only gripe is I think either the highmount flange or rear housing flange is warped and I have exhaust leaking there. Disappears when the cars 100% hot but I can fuel up, pay and get back in the car and it leaks until 1km up the road :/ Wondering if it's because I had that beanie on for a long time and the heat it traps eventually buggered it up? Don't really want to pull it off and machine but will if it fixes it.


Oh and the 12month old leaf springs I have, the drivers side has decided to go inverted so I think it might be time for a 5link setup after christmas 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • The Toxic Rocket
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  • Member For: 14y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Brisbane

I finally got around to getting the roof lining re-done. I took it out myself (10min job0 and took it to a retrimmer who done it for $90. I decided to go with black because all the white trim in the ute got filthy and black may hide it better haha! edit: I grabbed a can of black plastidip to paint pillars and stuff, worked 100% Ran out though so will get another can or two and do side pillars, light and sun visors.

Also got the manifold and turbo housing re-surfaced. Kyle at 6boost done it for me and it's now 100% again. The middle divider had sunk and that cause the gasket to blow out. Apparently the cause of this is the tune. It was either too much boost not enough timing or too much timing not enough boost that causes the exhaust gas to be too hot and it f$cks the metal. The more you know.

Also, 40,000km on the P6466 and look how neat it still is. Precision #1

My ghetto crane to hold the dump up while I pulled out the highmount,

Oh and one more photo from torque time

Edited by Trent0
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