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Fpv To Close - Future Production Exclusively At Ford


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Can't have auto up or you will chop your head off

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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  • Member For: 13y 4m 29d
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  • Location: NOR, Western Australia

My Subaru had auto up on drivers only, but come to think of it - it's not really that safe a thing lol

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 6d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

I've perfected the rapid fire down off down off to avoid triggering the auto down in the BF.

GF's Yaris has auto down, you push it past a detent and it triggers, instead of having to lift off to avoid it as above.

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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  • Member For: 13y 4m 29d
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  • Location: NOR, Western Australia

Yeah the auto down on our cars is stupid, should be like the Yaris and my Liberty where you push it all the way down and feel it click, which is when it's auto down mode. Normal pressing down just goes down as far as you hold it.

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  • Member For: 13y 11m 12d
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Lightning, surely you don't leave your key in the ignition when you fill up? So how will someone take off with the car? You're standing with the key, no different to someone stealing the key while the car is locked really.

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Mate if you think that these car are unstealable without the key then you wrong, in the time that it takes for you to pay for your fuel your car could be stolen about 4 times over, quickest I've seen it done including braking in 45.6 secs.Moral of the story if they want it they will take it, but if your door is open they will just get it quicker.

And no im not in favour of this act, it was an excercise in training for a job.

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Guest XR09
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I thought my Fg was shoite.

The fuel caps locks when the car locks. Altho luckily it doesn't lock with the keys still on the seat. Only when I leave the car. Never new it locked itself, but then again it was always in the garage and usually with the keys in it and windows down.

My washer squirts water first. If I remember to put a kettle of hot water through the washer once a week or two.

Yup that's it for goodies.

rattles worse than an epileptic anorexic going off on the dunny

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  • Turboless
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  • Member For: 13y 9m 3d
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  • Location: Geelong, Victoria

Forget about them taking the car, what about valuables in the car? Phone, loose change, glove box/centre console contents? It happens far too often ppl stealing stuff and too easy for them.

A simple click on your keypad and its peace of mind.

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