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Theiving Scum Bags


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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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My mum's partner had his XR6 ute wheels pinched the week before xmas.

Fair warning guys and gals to get a set of lock nuts.

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  • Former XT pilot
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Q Ford gave us some because the guy said they have had about 6 sets pinched off the lot so they like to put them on the cars. DAMN eh? maybe you can buy some in the ford market bit.

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  • voy74656
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that's just pi$$ u off!!! grrrr!!! if I knew any1 that did that sorta sh!t I'd take to em with a rusty pipe and pummell em till they were a bloody pulp!!! ARGH!! :banghead:

I just had my car stolen the other week and I was lucky enough to get it back in a driveable condition....just missing the stereo and tools from the boot...lucky me.....but I swear when u first walk out the front door and look and u see somethings not right....instant sagging feeling in the guy I tell ya! :angry:

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When the magistrates start dishing out proper sentences maybe this sort of crap will stop :banghead: but when you keep slapping them on the wrists aaahhhhhhhhhhh

:banghead: Lowlife scum

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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When the magistrates start dishing out proper sentences maybe this sort of crap will stop :banghead: but when you keep slapping them on the wrists aaahhhhhhhhhhh

:thumbsup:Lowlife scum

Yeah I agree. A nephew of mine has been convicted for over 25 car thefts and has only done a couple of months in minimum security. Its a joke realy. In the US it is a felony, historcally it is linked to horse theft which was a hanging offence. Pity we haven't followed suit.

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 5d
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A mate of mine had his VT SS wheels taken out of his driveway last night. :thumbsup:

The cops mentioned that there were two others done in the Hills area in Sydney last night (a VX and VY - looks like someone wanted the full set).

He's not too upset - the insurance is enough for a new set of 18" (+ locknuts) and his better half had scrubbed the old rims anyway. It seems like wheels are a popular target at the moment.

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  • Former XT pilot
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  • Member For: 21y 7m 16d
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  • Location: The Womb
When the magistrates start dishing out proper sentences maybe this sort of crap will stop :bangin: but when you keep slapping them on the wrists aaahhhhhhhhhhh

:thumbsup:Lowlife scum

Yeah I agree. A nephew of mine has been convicted for over 25 car thefts and has only done a couple of months in minimum security. Its a joke realy. In the US it is a felony, historcally it is linked to horse theft which was a hanging offence. Pity we haven't followed suit.

:lol: Don't let him near your car then! :lol:

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