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hey all just picked up a citric acid green 06 bf 6speed manual n/a for a sweet $4k after having my pride and joy my n15pulsar sedan turbo got written off last saturday because someone decided to pull out of a driveway 5m infront of me whilst I was goin 70kms an hour straight into his door...I plan to upgrade to an f6 typhoon once off my p's in 9months time...just curious what kind of mods can I do for minimal moola to get more kick out of my xr6 whilst I have it...dnt want to spend big cause ill just be selling it soon anyway...ill try upload some pics when I get to a comp...any and all helpful suggestions I thank you gor in advance :)

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Nothing cheap will give much gains.

How clean is it for that price? Sounds like a bargain/ pulled from the bottom of a lake.

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hey mate as said it was a bit rough round the edges needed a full good service which is what it got and 2 new engine mounts but after I was finished with she goes great :)...

the reason why I had to buy a new car


the resulting new falcon :)...


after a claybar and wax looks mint


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Hey mate, welcome to the community. Nice car you got there, always loved that colour!

First engine mod I would go would be a cold air intake and de-restrict the airbox.

This could mean simply getting a K&N air filter and making a DIY cold air intake.

Or you could do what I'm doing and save up and spend some cash and get a pre-made airbox and intake from SS Inductions or another company.

From there, dependent on your budget, there is exhaust, extractors, under-drive pulley kit, and a tune to run on E85 fuel.

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Fit a K&N filter and just cut a big hole in the front of the lower half of the airbox. Then you could go an underdrive pulley kit for $300. Tune and zorst would be next but that = $.

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Ok so seems the cutting of the airbox is a good start and a k&n replacement pan...as for zorst and sh*t all im doing atm is cutting off rear reso and adding a highflow muffler with new tip for a bit more noise as I cant drive a quiet manual...sends me insane...

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You also have to remember that you want to sell it in 9 months, don't go overboard and keep it legal for an easy sale.

$4k is a bargain, how many k's?

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Yeah that's the idea simple mods for a bit of a difference now but nothing that will effect the re sale...has 150,000kms so not to bad...I know that in 9months with the condition its in now and after the service, rocker cover gasket replacement and 2 brand new engine mounts I can make an easy $8000 sale when I trade up if not a little bit more

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That's such a bargain! I just sold my BA MKII XR6 with 150,000kms for $10k so definitely aim for $8-9k

I would suggest only doing the cold air upgrade (cut the front of the box out and put a K n N) and the underdrive pulley kit. Any more is a bit of a waste because it will cost you big $$ for relatively small gains and if your going for a turbo save your money for that.

Plus I noticed that when selling mine people preferred cleaner cars that weren't really modified (it makes people feel better that they're not flogged lol)

As for the exhaust. maybe buy a catback if your really want an exhaust (can be had for a few hundred on ebay) and then bolt the stock catback on to sell and if you have a young bloke interested in the car offer to put the aftermarket back on.

In the end up to you but I just went through selling mine and although its a great P-plate car the people that were interested in mine were older people so the more subtle modifications are better for resale. and then you can save up your money for the T! Way more gains to be had for same $$

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