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Courtesy (Dome) Light Not Working At All In Ba Mk2


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g'day all,

My wife wrote off her car a couple of months ago, and I've told her she's not going for another loan until the finance on our upcoming home renovation is sorted out. so of course now, fixing the few niggly problems I've been living with in my XR6T BA MkII is now "really important". :violent085:

The courtesy light (the dome light in the roof between the headrests on the front seats) in my XR6 BA Mk2 haven't worked for ages - it should come on automatically when the car is unlocked, door is opened or the key is taken out of the ignition. I do have a vague recollection of attempting to install an LED bulb in there while drunk one night but the polarity thing must've come up and I backed out of it. I don't recall if it worked after that or not, so that might be a red herring. Some other information:

  • I've replaced the bulb (twice in case the first was a dud)
  • I've checked all fuses in the fusebox near the steering wheel. All good.
  • Tried to toggle the "courtesy light disable" feature by holding the light button below the air con (its a stock standard ICC) for 10 seconds. While in ACC/ON/OFF positions, door open/door closed. The toggle is supposed to blink the light when it is triggered, but mine does nothing.
  • The other interior lights (map reading lights + lights above back seat doors) work fine.
  • The light won't fire even if the interior light button on the ICC is pushed on - its completely cactus.

What else can I check? Anyone else experienced anything like this?



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(Updating this in case anyone else goes through the same thing...)

Took it to an auto-electrician in town on Thursday, explained what was going on, the light and also replacing one of the central locking actuators. He made it sound like was a piece of piss, so I gladly took it down there on Friday morning.. but when I got it back, I had a bill for $250 with an inspection resulting in a confirmation of everything I'd written down for them when I dropped it off. Nothing fixed. Kinda bummed about that, but at the same time, am guessing they rarely heed what a customer thinks, because its probably wrong anyway.

So basically, I've confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the electrical side of things - bulbs, wiring, fuses etc are all fine.. The courtesy light is evidently controlled by the BEM.

Hooked up an OBD2 adapter and found 2 errors logged :

P0325 - Power Train - Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single Sensor)

P1572 - Power Train - unsure of the fault for this Falcon, but for all the other manufacturers I could find, its all circuit-fault related.

Will book it in with Ford next week and update this thread with the fix.

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  • Puff
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Holy cow solid dig.


Proof that the search function works and that reposting the same question every week isn't necessary. 


@k31th Didn't you do some led swapping fairly recently or was that someone else I'm thinking of?

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  • To Loud
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Previously on the old forum system, you could go to the member's profile and view his forum friends.

This would at least give you an opportunity to contact their friends to bring their sorry asses back to the forum.

I see that the friends list is no longer there.

I take it that this is going to be a berry berry berry long shot.


^^^^ Turn on his email notification for us please so that we can tag him again.

Maybe he will be back?????


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his registered email account isn't even a valid email address anymore. Will have to figure it out at an auto-elec, rather than hope he'll ever log back in.

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  • To Loud
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cool. thanks for looking into that. Hopefully @Dulkie will find the solution and post back here what it was.

With only 1 post under his belt, I take it that he might even do a runner before posting back.

I hope he stays around long enough to enjoy. ;)

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