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5th Gear Crunches Who Has Had This Problem?


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They are able to replace the 5th gear and synchro without replacing the whole box. They did this to mine and it works fine now... I had crunching in 5th.

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I recently had the same problem as you, 5th gear crunches. Ford service said they will order parts to fix it. They have fixed mine and I can not notice any 5th gear crunches anymore. All other gears are fine as well.

I reported my 5th gear crunch again last week at the 45000 service. When I picked it up friday evening the front office guy said he had been told that they had ordered some parts to fix it and they would get it back in next week. It does not sound like I am getting a new box. Not sure what to make of this. I will talk to the service manager on Monday. Should I be pushing for a new 'box?


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I have this problem too. I was told by my dealer that the gearbox would be replaced & I would get a phone call in a couple of weeks when the new gearbox was in. So I get a call about a week later saying they're ready to fix the crunching problem but tell me that it's only the 5th gear synchro that needs to be replaced. "OK, no worries" says I.

So at 37,000 I had the new synchro fitted. Now at 45,000 I'm getting crunching again most times when changing from 4th into 5th >100km/h. But the bit that's even BETTER?! If I try to change into 5th from any gear other than 4th then it crunches and grinds and won't go into gear at all. The only way into 5th is to first travel through 4th. Awesome.

So, the dealer does half a job, I get stuffed around again and have to get my gearbox fixed all over.

This time it will be a new gearbox and I won't leave it until one is installed. I hate to think what's going to happen when this car is out of warranty. Every fix seems to be a half-arsed job that will just make it to the next service, if that.

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I happily fang it in 1st and 2nd up to the speed limit and then cruise into 5th. Also, when preparing for a squirt on the juice, I regulary drop from 5th to 3rd.

I also do this, but don't see why it should be a problem. Quite often when joining a highway it's the only way to do things if you want to get into the traffic flow! And it's also exactly what an auto would do if floored and then the throttle dropped off after hitting 100km/h.
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I know this thread is way old but didnt see the point of starting a new topic if not needed. Been reading through this thread as my 02 BA XR6T is grinding into 5th and having the same symptoms as previously stated in this topic. Will a new 6 spd box fix the problem? do they also have any problems and is it possible to fit a 6spd manual to my 5spd BA T. My car has 121000km on the clock and has started having this problem from about 118000 and just thought I was being lazy with the clutch but turned out no to be the case..

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A T56 will fix all your problems mate! The T5 is now well known for being weak in the 6T falcons, plus T56s are much cheaper than they used to be.

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