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In The Market, Fg Xr6T. Sell The Fg To Me! (Merged Topic)


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Hey guys, currently looking at getting a new car (it will be secondhand).

I used to be a Expensive Daewoo kind of guy, cos I think all fords before the BA's looked rubbish (sorry!), but from then on I have liked them just as much as the holdens. I'm not really a holden/ford argument person, I like them both.

Anyway, I want more power than my current car, a J31 maxima. Looks awesome (imo) goes decently (180kw, good enough for when I was on my p's) and is (was) very comfortable and well made, before I lowered it and gave it 20's... haha

Cant decide between the VE SS and the FG XR6T. Both almost identical power wise. Both decent looking machines.

Putting your ford loyalty and all that aside, why would/have -you- buy/bought an XR6T over an SS?

thanks for the help fellas!

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I was tossing between the two myself.

Main reasons I choose the XR6T are

- Better fuel economy (slightly haha)

- Faster

- Easier to extract power relatively cheaply.

- Also liked the look of the new FG (and a few of my mates already have VE's)

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  • I <3 Floods
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Owned an FG XR6T and now drive a VE SS every second week..

So.. In a nutshell..

-Fuel economy difference is negligible.. Especially if you get an auto in the VE SS..

-Personally I think the SS interior is cheap feeling. The Bogan special is a different thing again but still compared to the FG seems tacky and not very well thought out.

-FG turbo is a whole lot easier to get power from!!

-I've never driven an XR6T sedan.. But I do feel the SS utes hold the road better then the FG utes..

-XR6 seats are loads better then the cloth seats in the SS.. But in leather they are both alright (my old mans Bogan special seats are like lounge chairs)..

-While the SS is still a reasonably fast car the acceleration in one will never give you the seat of pants thrill that the turbo car will!!

You need to drive both cars mate.. But if you want my opinion I'd be all over the FG XR6T unless you need a wagon..

Good luck with the shopping mate..

Edit: also cruise control on the steering wheel!!! FTMFW!!!!! If that's any consideration the cruise control on the SS is stupid!!!!

Edited by Sharp Dressed Panda
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fg xr6t for a few simple reasons.

1 the fgs are easier to drive on a whole cause u dont have the flared guards like the ve, a few of my mates have already clipped there quater panels.

2 brings me to my next point, the ve is more prone to damage, mate of mine had a crash at 4ks and ended up needing new headlight, front bar, quater panel, grill and something else, another mate had a similar crash but a little faster in his fg and needed new front bar and headlight.

3 the xr6t from the factory ive found consistantly will pull 1 full car length from the ve.

4 ive just spent $400 on a tune (mates rates) and im now pushing 300rwkw, not many cars cant match that for bang for your buck upgrades.

I wouldnt worry about comparing fuel economy, if your gonna be booting it the fuel economy will be no different and even around town its not great in the fg without a tune.

it also depends on what u want your car for, if u wanna go to the drags on the cheap, ud obviously go the ford.

if you wanted to slide around corners to be honest the ve is probably better purly due to the fact that its got that n/a throttle response, not to say the fg cant slide though it just takes more practice.

and if u just wanna cruise around in a nice looking sedan with a bit of power and your not really looking to modify the power output then u cant really go wrong with either, both are great cars and great looking cars :)

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I was prone to the Bogan special ute but the only things that had me in it was the sound of a v8 grumble and the Bogan special seats are much more comfortable and I think its a better interior....you dont feel like your in a cab when you in it haha unlike the fg.

But then I couldnt remove the tub and replace with a tray so ford was the only option...wanted the xr8...they stopped making it so thought better go the next best thing and got the xr6t......looking back now I should have gone the t from the start...I didnt know much about either cars or performance stats or anything just based on my own perception...then read reviews...and took it for a drive.......so much more fun when the turbo kicks in and once tuned the sound of the turbo is unreal. people always look at it thinking wtf was that haha

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  • I <3 Floods
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..so much more fun when the turbo kicks in and once tuned the sound of the turbo is unreal.


In utes I gotta admit I definitely prefer the handling of the Bogan special ..

But when ya put your foot down the SS will get from point A to 400m down the road fairly quick.. But the FG XR6Tbwill get you 400m down the road quicker and with a much bigger smile on your face!!

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