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Saas Gauges


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Hi Guys, Due to one of oil pressure gauge dying I went out and brought a new saas boost gauge and oil pressure gauge. I have mounted them above the ICC and they light up and work correctly. the issue is there is a button on the back of the gauge that changes the LED colour of the gauge face and that doesn't change from the factory bright white light. when I plug the gauge harness directly to the positive/battery/lighting cables straight to the battery it works and changes to blue,red,green etc....any ideas why the cig lighter wont do it ? and where I can wire it up correctly?

Edited by mr_crust
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I have the same and my boost was doing the same so I gave it a tap on a decent one to and started working fine but I'm not saying yours will be The same but might aswell give it a shot

Also I wired my one pos from cig lighter found the wire for battery all the time and spliced into it for memory wire and the light wire goes to pos to just because I couldn't be bothered working to lights

Edited by cjsxrt
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  • Member For: 14y 3m 3d
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thanks for all the quick replies....there is an orange wire I haven't connected yet which is listed as: connect to batter (+) for LED memory..but this wouldn't be the one for the colour change I would have thought? there is a white wire is for 12v dash lighting what is spliced into the cig lighter..the wiring reads the following : red - switched 12v

black - ground

white - 12v dash lighting

green - to oil sender

orange - to battery for led memory

Edited by mr_crust
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As said above the gauge needs a constant 12 volts to story memory of which color u selected so when the switched 12 volts is off it keeps power to the gauges , the orange needs a constant 12 volts, currently u only have it wired to switched 12 volts and their fore it defaults to the white so wire orange to 12 volt constant and you will be right

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spinr33...your on the money mate, I just wired the orange to constant power and it allows you to change colour and store it...without constant power it would only use the default colour and wouldn't change, im surprise the 12v for dash lighting doesnt allow it to at least change the colour....As I ran the wire directly to the battery, will it drain it or is there any constant power near the cig lighter I can splice into?? ..thanks again all for your help

Edited by mr_crust
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Grab a multimeter or test light. One of the wires that plugs into the bottom of the ICC has constant power.

Ill be wiring my gauges up for lighting through the Foglight switch.

Brown wire for +

Blue wire with Red trace for the -

Tested this with an LED and multimeter this arvo and when using those wires your gauges will dim with the instrument cluster.

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