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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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yeah, life does have it's up and downs and at the moment, my interests have changed.

I have a drone to fly and a Traxxas e-revo to drive around.

I have also been a tad busy at work, which does not give me much time to be on the forums lately.

If there has been a lot of idle being logged against my user account, I would say it is the tablet at home.

Might just shut it down tonight, to stop that then. Was not done intentionally.

I can't believe that the bombadore was sold. I hope it is all for the best mate. life changing decisions, like losing weight(which I got to do as well) but CBF.

Hopefully we will see you in a new house soon and you will have it paid off in 3 years???? :P

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I'm at peace with my decision. See what happens with work this time next year...if I still have a job then I'll buy a house, otherwise I'll hold off until I have stable employment after that. In the meanwhile the plan is to save as much as I can over the next year.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Stripes, if you are waiting for stable employment in the mining game you will be waiting for quite some time.

Any business that sells a commodity on the open market will suffer ups and downs.

Imho buy a house within your means (ie less than 30pc of annual income committed to payments and base this on 7 to 8pc interest at a minimum)

Smash the mortgage so you build a buffer should there be an industry downturn and move on with life.

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It's more that we stop drilling for a few years around this time next year...and given pretty much my entire job centres around drilling I'm fairly certain I'll be looking at a redundancy. Plus I'm moving in with some friends within the next month which will reduce my living expenses, so wanna make the most of that and save as much as I can.

I bailed from the HomeStart thing JET, they were too pushy and just felt like they just wanted to push through a sale and not actually help me build a house I wanted to build. Spoke to a few other friends who've built and their experience was very different to how mine was going, so I pulled the pin. When I do buy or build a house in the future I'll be in a much better financial position to do so as a result of the choices I've made this week.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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The trick is to buy smart. There are always good deals, but you have to be in the right place at the right time.

I'm about to start on my third Falcon/FPV ute in the last 12 months. All three were bought at Pickles Auctions.

The first two required a bunch of work.

The BA XR6 Turbo ute was crash damaged and written off. I replaced all the front end stuff (control arms, bushes, sway bar stuff, etc) and the diff. However, what was meant to be a cheap experiment ended up getting me started. When I later saw a BF FPV Tornado ute at Pickles I had to have it. Welcome to project number 2.

The Tornado started out as a mess but is now quite tidy. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/89684-2006-fpv-tornado-f6-ute-cleanup-resurrection/

I've had enough of spending sh*tloads of hours in the carport, so luckily move number 3 won't be as time intensive -


Without giving away too much, the net cost of that car will be under $10,000 once it’s licenced. Everything has been paid for with cash - no finance involved.

It was never about making a profit - it was about having a vehicle that was practical but fun to drive, and without tying up too much money. But each car got me more interested, resulting in an ambition for the next move upward. Luckily, I had bought smart each time and made a capital gain on each car instead of the usual depreciation loss. However, I’m looking forward to settling down with the same car for a while (which is what I also said about the previous two…oops).

Right now in Perth it’s a buyers market.

I'm curious all the hours spent you got enjoyment from.

But if you even paid yourself ten dollars an hour both those cars cost you a sh*tload.

If it's got tits or wheels it will cost.

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  • WOT?
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If it's a hobby/love , not a business plan or cash making deal then the time spent doesn't come into it.

Instead of playing golf, watching telly, drinking at the pub or shooting hookers he was spending his time in the shed.

None of those other things get the time spent/money lost thoughts.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Yes mate I know.

My post was only half serious.

No non verbal indicators or tone or brevity with the typed word, well none that I can master anyway.

Edited by Kimberley Scott
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