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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Rhr spring seat. Plastic isolator washer split and allowed the spring to rub on the thread.


My mate, (who's a valued member of this forum) is the master of obscure weekend parts reserves

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Best mood! Havent been this happy in a looooooooooong time ;)

Had a fantastic morning so far, just secured a ticket to Gaslight Anthem tonight at the Enmore, and you aaaaallll know what that means??

that's right, its time for mickus to get drunk as soon as he finishes work!

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What's happening with your car Keith? (legit question as I didn't realise it was off the road.)

Sitting collecting dust again after I washed it the other day after letting it sit for about 12 months :O

Short version -

Mishap with old car that caused it be written off, which caused a lot of financial burden.

I bought a car from interstate that's extensively modified (to not have to modify again due to mishap mentioned before causing lack of finances to be available for modifications)

Attempted to register in Victoria and could not due to modifications. Did not have stock parts either, due to mishap.

Moved from cheap rent accommodation to extremely expensive to (in comparison) rent.

Decided to "engineer" the vehicle as it would save me hassles in the future = expensive.

Long saving process still underway to stave off the financial issues caused by the mishap and engineer/register the car.

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ANKC (so close)

I remember signing a petition back in the 80's (I think it was) to make sure the Aussie Bulldog was not put on their list of 'Accepted Breeds'........

"Lets breed them with flatter snouts" some retard breeders thought........"Lets make their head longer but flatten the snout even more" others thought --- farken retards. Those poor dogs that are (still) bred like that.....as you said - health issues - SOOOOOO many problems :(

I vote for showing her mate (lots of fun and you meet really nice (animal loving) people rather than breeding. [ she IS your second don't forget ;) ]

Seeing what my Brother, Sis-in-law and Niece have to go through when they want a litter of either of the two breeds they have is incredible........money and equipment -- they even have the test-tubes insurered (for a LOT).

I'll give you an intro to my neice if you want Fluff. She's young like you (god, that makes me sound really really old saying that) and been in the ring, showing dogs, since she was a kid and I know that she'll be able to help you decide if that's something that you might want to do.


Nice pic freeze but wtf are you doing here? did you get banned from facesux?

Edited by BenDoCo
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Sitting collecting dust again after I washed it the other day after letting it sit for about 12 months :O

Short version -

Mishap with old car that caused it be written off, which caused a lot of financial burden.

I bought a car from interstate that's extensively modified (to not have to modify again due to mishap mentioned before causing lack of finances to be available for modifications)

Attempted to register in Victoria and could not due to modifications. Did not have stock parts either, due to mishap.

Moved from cheap rent accommodation to extremely expensive to (in comparison) rent.

Decided to "engineer" the vehicle as it would save me hassles in the future = expensive.

Long saving process still underway to stave off the financial issues caused by the mishap and engineer/register the car.

Less free go pros more paid overtime kthx

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I'm with you on that one! haha

Unfortunatley I'd have to get a whole new job to get something like that. It'll all come together soon enough, just need to be patient.

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