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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • I <3 Floods
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Meeting with a client (technically in a work shut down).. he screwed up.. Myself and 9 others are working the most part of the christmas break to make up for lost time on his job as he is fighting a very tight deadline.

He got offended at the fact that I turned up to our meeting barefoot.. So I went back to my desk and put on some pluggers.. Boardshorts, singlet and pluggers.. the limit of what I will wear to work when I don't really have to be working..

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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

This evening on a late trip to the video store.. Parked in the car park.. Wandered in and hired out a movie which turned out to be sh*t..

Moving on..

When leaving the video store I noticed a rather nice old school VW parked about 3 parks away from me.. Lady driver looked quite flustered.. She walked over and asked if I knew anything about cars because she couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start..

I said I could take a look but I'm no genius.. (Keep expectations low.. Then the disappointment isn't too bad)..

Anyway before I could finish talking a young bloke jumps out of his very high hilux and says he knows all about cars he'll have a look... Worth noting lady is actually probably all of 23-24.. And had decent legs.. So yeah if I was him I would be showing off also..

However being older and obviously smarter.. The way the girl was talking indicated to me that she obviously knew her way around cars.. And possibly knew her own car better than joe blow in civic video car park..

So I graciously stepped back and let the young bloke shine.. He swaggered up to the beetle.. Walked right to the front and asked her to Open the hood..

Kudos to this chick.. She kept a completely straight face and opened the bonnet or well the boot in this case..

His face was priceless I couldn't help but to laugh out loud.. Then she laughed..

And he left..

Anyway.. No idea what was wrong with her car.. But it push started just fine and she drove off..

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  • loitering with intent
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look on the face of the old bloke lane hog as the phoon broke traction when forced to

overtake on the inside.

80ks in a 110 zone right hand lane completely oblivious. farker

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Took it from my balcony before being evacuated night before last.

It was 2kms away from our doorstep with winds making embers travel up to 500m at a time.

Pic was taken at 1am, by the time we left at 2 we couldn't see anything because of the thick smoke. Ash all over our cars etc.

luckily for us the wind changed at the last minute and turned it back north.

The smoke cleared a bit and we snuck past road blocks to get our photos etc at 6am.

Then that arvo they cleared the road blocks and let us in. Last night there was a few smaller fires as close as a few hundred metres away started from the embers but they were quickly put out by CFS.

At this stage we seem safe however as u can see on the map we are on the top corner of the red bit on the left hand side in the middle of the page (where it says greenwith and penworth ) so if the fire turns around it can come at us from both the North and East which sux

But hopefully all is ok.

I am just thanking our lucky stars for the cfs volunteers. I wanna hug every single one of em! dcb5937f1a7163f7d6a1bf6cb5ea6117.jpg

Edited by Princess Fluffy
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