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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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GL with it dags.

I was smokin a pack a day.. some night shifts I would just about smash a packet in 12hrs. Bad stuff.

Ended up cheating using Champix. The stuff works way better than anything else available.

I even tried that hipnotizing rubbish and the accupuncture one they do with the laser. None of that sh*t worked.. the laser one cost me 700bux and I only stopped for a little bit coz it cost me so much farkin money!!

I had tried quiting for years on end to the point where I quit quiting because it was just too hard and phuck it gotta die of something right..?

Wrong attitude and I look back now after 7 months and would never go back..

Thing is, it was so hard for me I had to change my lifestyle aswell.. last thing you wanna do after hitting the gym or taking the dog for a quick jog is light up and crack a longy or 2, 3 maybe 4 and just 1 last one before bed I'll just have to stop in the servo and grab another deck in the mornin kinda sh*t.

Edited by Kroozin
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Yeah I was goin with the Champix, had to go to the doc for a cert for this friggin flu but he wouldnt give me a precsription. Told me I needed to come back when I was feeling better and set a date I'm going to give up. Will be goin back on Friday.

Did you have any side affects with them?

Heard a couple of times on here that you can have some pretty weird ass dreams....

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Side effects also include massive mood swings and a few mates got the trippy dreams

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  • Menace
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Yeh ya do get some pretty gruesome nightmares to be straight but I think that and the mood swings are just from the sudden stop of nicotine.. I literally went from full on to nothing. I was that bad I couldn't even cut down just had to set a date and go with. I didn't find the mood swings really that bad anyway my misses said I just a shorter fuse sometimes that's it really

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The trippy dreams and lack of sleep will come without using Champix or zyban. There a side affect of giving up.

These symptoms also cause crankiness and you swing a bit with appatite. The body craves shoite and you have to watch that.

A joint will knock you out and take the dreams away.

If that's not your cuppa get a jar of valium...but watch the build up with them. They make you pretty snotty as well after using for a week or two.

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