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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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You may find this hard to believe, but I'm quite tenacious in getting whats mine if I feel I have been wronged.

By this he means he's a big pain in the arse

Dont blame ya... I got a $700 credit from Telstra for similar reasons... plus got to keep my new blackberry at the time and didnt pay for it.... winning

Edited by Princess Fluffy
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Have you ever left coke in a fast food joint paper cup for a week?

Driving back from the airport with a load of clothes and equipment in the work ute (new white dual cab hilux, canopy + flashing light + reflective striping + roll cage etc, designed to be conspicuous) and get pulled over for a rbt. Blow zeros coz no grog allowed on the plane, get asked to park on the side of the road so the copper can do a license check. Main road in cairns and I am parked up like I have just been done. Copper walks around the car with the torch checking everything.

"this your car mate"


Does another lap shining the torch in every window, then tries to see in the canopy.

"you right mate" I say

"just having a quick look"

He jumps on the two way again.

"have you got anything in the vehicle you shouldn't mate"

"what do you mean?"

"anything illegal"

"like what, officer"

"drugs, firearms or anything else that shouldn't be in the vehicle"

"it's coz of the hair innit"


At this stage I did a quick mental check of what was in the car and he asks if he could have a look inside. I say yeah go for it but the canopy is locked and showed him the key.

He starts the hunt, I watch over his shoulder and then get told to stand off the road (apparently for my safety). Checks my bags, seat covers, side pockets of the doors, glove box etc





And then he found it.

Couple months back the beards toured and gave out fake beards to everyone, I found it in the car when I found the leaking coke in the rear cup holders. So I packed it into the cup holders to act as a mop, it failed and then coke syrup turned it into a sticky mess.

Cop spots it, reaches back and picks it up, the expression on his face was priceless. I walked over to the car and politely informed him he didn't have permission to wipe it on the seat covers. Search complete.

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have a hot one biatches

already had a nude hosing down . said no to the filth removing wire brush

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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