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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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16 hours ago, hrick said:
 Seriously you have a nanny & are posting about difficulties/negative aspects of having children....oh please

I could bite back and tell you how ridiculous it is to assume, but I won't as it shows what kind of a person you already are obviously.

Your judgement is way off.

In the last 4 months I've dealt with severe post natal depression and anxiety, to the point it started manifesting as physical symptoms such as speech slurring.

On top of that my newborn baby was pooing blood due to having an inflamed intestine for the last 4 months which resulted in about 1 hour of sleep a night for me until a month ago when they finally diagnosed him and he stopped screaming 23hours out of the day.

So due to the fact I had absolutely no time to spend with my 4yo because of bubs illness we decided to hire a nanny for 18 hours a fortnight .

When she's here 9/10 times I'm spending time with my eldest child while she tends to the baby. Occasionally I've been out to run errands I couldn't do with a screaming sick baby and had a few horse rides as that really helps my mental state.

Due to a combination of our boys recent diagnosis and putting him on medicated formula and me starting strict routine training I'm now getting a solid 4 hours of sleep a night for the last 7 days and I've started to feel back to my normal self.

As such I made the decision last Monday to cut her back to 4 hours a week, then potentially nothing after that depending on my work schedule.

But thank you for your mass concern and assumptions.


Oh and all of this was on the back of Jet and I discussing and deciding to take a natural therapy technique by using a psychologist, having a bit of help, getting interested in a project and spending small amounts of respite time alone ....rather than just taking the anti depressant my doctor prescribed me without trying to help myself first.



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Sometimes the ones that need the help are the ones struggling the most, we're just lucky enough to source the help before it becomes a bigger issue 


assumptions are a kicker hey and depression is a serious thing so for my wife to keep it together whilst a small bit of hired help is around I take my hat off to her as I couldn't do it and that's why I go to work and do whatever is needed and reasonable for everything to function while she deals with it all 


good stir though buddy ... 

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1 hour ago, Frederick said:

Oh and all of this was on the back of Jet and I discussing and deciding to take a natural therapy technique by using a psychologist, having a bit of help, getting interested in a project and spending small amounts of respite time alone ....rather than just taking the anti depressant my doctor prescribed me without trying to help myself first.



Yes, PND is very serious & it sounds like you are experiencing psychosomatic symptoms as well.  Seeing a Clinical Psychologist in addition to medication is often therapeutic & in some cases the best line of treatment. Yep, I did make assumptions which is very easy in forums without the ability communicate properly. I can emphasize with kids/babies having medical complications, my 4-week old required open heart surgery & again at 4 years.


Looking after yourself, treating yourself is very important right now...:-)

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Thanks for your synopsis doctor.
Medication hasn't and will never be my first corse of treatment for illnesses for me, especially mental illness. For me if I'm on medication I fear I won't know when I'm getting better and I'll end up on the medication for a long term period.
It can also open a can of other symptoms and the best option for OUR family was to take a more relaxed approach.

I'm disappointed someone with children, especially an ill child, can cast a judgement on who gets to decide how parenting is, especially based on the fact they have help.
Even if I had a full time nanny that's my business and it doesn't necessarily make parenting easier depending on your situation.

I'm so over this mummy judgy bit these days.

As long as children are ok then people need to stick their noses out of other people's business. What's it to you if someone finds parenting harder than others? What's it to you if someone's kid has formula or is breast fed? Blah blah...etc etc.

Everyone's so busy worrying about other people's camp fires that they haven't realised theirs just set their tent on fire

Thanks for the well wishes, and I hope you didn't get sore legs from all that back pedalling.

I'm dyslexic and cannot turn off simple functions in tapatalk

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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PND is one of the many reasons why me and Mrs BCB didn't have kids
Her sister suffered terribly to the point of being life changing
She now has bi- polar disorder, I don't know if that is linked to the PND she had 30 years ago but it was like she suffered one thing after another which culminated in a divorce
We weren't any help cos we were tripping around the world (and in our own little world )

So Daniella, again I tip my hat to the likes of you and Jet looking after your children under extenuating circumstances
And don't forget to look after each other

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Thanks Bcb

I'm by no far dealing with the worst situation, I feel so awful for parents with special needs children etc. I think they're bloody heros tbh.

I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting back to normality bit by bit which is good.
Thanks again

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I toally agree that special needs parents are hero's.
Another reason me and Mrs BCB had no kids
Her brother had down syndrome, with the mental age of 2.5
Hard for the whole family, especially the parents
The siblings taking up the slack caring for their brother with 2 working parents
The father thought he was a failure, the mother trying to compensate for I'll feeling in the marriage which also culminated in divorce

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Wmmfgt--travelling with my beautiful neice in Japan
Me and Mrs BCB are so happy she wanted to travel with us and that we can share our experiences
One week in and she still wants to hang out with us


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