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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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Yeah the whole "at what point does life begin" question is important I think. I don't know, and therefore think it is best to take the safe option and assume an unborn baby is a life and no different to say a two year old.
It is still a pretty horrible situation for someone with an unwanted pregnancy though. It must be hard whether someone chooses to terminate or keep a baby in less than ideal circumstances.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I don't care so much about those who accidentally fall pregnant. My concern is for rape victims etc.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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My heart does go out to rape and incest victims

I personally know and love a woman who was gang raped by 5 men

thankfully she was taking the pill at the time so there was no pregnancy 

She has suffered  many years of pain and guilt, but now leads a "normal" life

the above article is just the first one I grabbed off a Google search, but it does explain some points of view from the victims side which I find quite  surprising 

I'm not trying to  start a heated debate about pro-life versus pro-abortion, I'm just interested what some victims have had the courage to tell others so I can be better informed 

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  • Puff
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Golly this thread has taken a beating.


What made me feel good today was my baby daughter snuggling and cuddling me when I woke up without scratching the fark out of me.


Also Dirt Rally is on special until the 16th for $15usd, down from $49.99usd.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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An article about rape and abortion written by a man.

Yep sums it up.

I've never been raped but I've been beaten by a man. If he raped me there's no way I'd want or keep the baby

I'm not pro life or pro abortion
I think every situation has its merits. But who is a bloke to tell a woman how she should feel about a pregnancy when it was forced upon her.

I think every rape victim should have access to the morning after pill, and if that fails then an abortion.

In normal circumstances I don't believe in accidents.
When using two method of contraception eg the pill and condoms, the chances of an accidental pregnancy are so damn low.

It comes down to people being responsible majoritally for their own actions.

The only time I will pay the "accident" line in terms of pregnancy is if two methods of contraception are used and then pregnancy still occurs.
Then I'll pay it hahah

I think it's such a hard thing to get a grasp on though.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I agree, for myself being a man it is hard to get a grasp on how a woman feels.
Don't condem that article because it is written by a man
Men can do research just like women
The article included first hand accounts of incest victims

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Incest in my opinion is different to rape. Another kettle of fish.

That's the problem with the whole abortion topic isn't it.

Both sides are pretending it's a black and white argument when there's so many shades of grey.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Incest is still rape
But usually on a much grander scale
Incest usually consists of many multiple rapes sometimes over years and also is pedifelia

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