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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • Puff
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I bought a 6 pack of 1.25l v8 juice a 6 bucks and change from Costco the other day.


The local shop wants 5 bucks for 1 bottle.



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On 19/11/2016 at 0:01 PM, Ezy2Confuze said:

One thing I am definitely getting is a dog. It's one thing I miss being a renter.

There's a dog park I ride through on the way home that always lifts the spirits.

I really wished I had been able take to a video of how excited my nephew was meeting his first puppy last year, I don't know who was more excited him or the golden pup, so much squeeling & patting & soft kissing on the head.

I got a 10mth old jack russell u can have??

Full of beans and will do the digging for a new pool in just a few days!

Red cattle ftw!! Had 3 cattles all been beautiful loving dogs unless im not home and u come in the yard or something... will play with u all day but good luck leaving if I aint there.

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  • Puff
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I would say yes.


If you have the need for lots of food and have the space to store it then you will save a lot of money.


I found that in order for it to be worthwhile, you need to have a list of items that you stick to and not impulse buy or you will you lose the savings.


I buy; cereal, tinned tomatoes, beans and sketti as well as tuna, sauces that get used regularly like bbq, tomato and american mustard, plain flour in 12kg bags and sr in 6 x 1kg packs, sugar in 25 kg bags, toilet paper in 60 roll bags, pasta in various shapes, various spreads eg: peanut butter, jam, vegemite, nutella, coffee, tea and milo, pet food, fridge items such as cheese, marg and butter and occasionally juice and milk.


Haha I also buy various batchelor noodles by the box.


Toiletries are cheaper as well and meat and eggs can be cheaper.


We also do a Coles delivery order every 2 weeks for bread, milk, nappies and other small items.


When I'm walking around shopping I compare Coles prices with Costco items to make sure I'm getting the best deal.


I check used by or best before dates to regulate how much of one item I should buy.


We also buy meat in bulk from the local butcher for around $8.50/kg and store a side of beef, lamb and pork in our chest freezer. 


Chicken is cheap enough at Coles raw but Costco sells a roast chicken for $6. We get 2 and still have some left over.


They have a little food court where you can get a chicken wrap and a smoothie for $7.50 along with other foods like pizza slices, hotdogs etc.


This year alone we have saved at least a couple of thousand dollars by buying food at Costco rather than Coles.

Edited by Puffwagon
muh spellingz
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  • WOT?
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42 minutes ago, Frederick said:

OK puff... Costco. Yes or no.


Not really a question.


You can save more than the cost of membership on your first shop if you want to.


Can also get a refund on the cost if you decide it's not for you.


Jet will love the meat options for his bbq's.


Cheap fuel (if they have a servo)


Bulk buy baby and laundry stuff. 


Lots of food options that aren't available through the normal channels.


Their "homebrand" Kirkland is very good quality.


$50 for a pair of Levi's

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  • skids
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I wish costco was in WA :( I don't care if they're some huge USA company as long as less money will go to coles and woolworths (be funny if one of the two had a deal with costco or something dodgy)


at least we have ALDI now!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Had another scan and blood test today... that didn't particularly make me feel good. (I don't know how I've got any blood left in my body tbh) but always a silver lining, saw bubs,
36 weeks and on 5lbs 15 at this point.
And I have a max 3 weeks left if I dont go before hand.
Nice knowing an end date tbh.
Very tired and sick now. Have to come home and have a rest from walking 10 mins up a slight hill. Lol.

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