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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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Last day of the week for me tomorrow so I get a four day long weekend.


Heading down to Margaret River to do SFA, although the weather looks like it's going to suck with rain all weekend.

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  • Puff
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So apparently being able to beat the adminihampster aka @k31th in a food off won't work for me.


Blood results now say that I'm actually unwell despite looking fairly good!


I have 3 months, according to my gp, to lower my cholesterol (which is 4x normal) and blood pressure (which was 170/118 then 160/93  resting a few minutes later) or then it's hardcore medication time.


That would explain those heart murmurs when I train high reps.


Brb restructuring macros and cutting kcals for 3 months... :ohnoes: 2810 down to 1780 to lose a kg per week. Yikes!


I'd still beat ya K31th but I might die early if I tried.


WMMFG? At least I caught it now and can fix it relatively quickly!


Hopefully it all comes good when I drop 10kgs. :dontknow:


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I should probably check my cholesterol, now that you mention it... No symptoms of well... anything... except perhaps pushing myself a little to hard every now and then at the gym :spoton:


I'd still smash ya, puffster :showoff: (not with weights, of course xD )

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  • Puff
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33 minutes ago, k31th said:

I should probably check my cholesterol, now that you mention it... No symptoms of well... anything... except perhaps pushing myself a little to hard every now and then at the gym :spoton:


I'd still smash ya, puffster :showoff: (not with weights, of course xD )

I have no symptoms either. 


As for smashing, I'd have to ask my wife mate, she's the boss :gaysex:.

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Good that you caught it early, Puff! Never good to get that kind of news though.

I remember when I got similar news, was the kick up the ass I needed to sort my health out! I had similar blood pressure as you (170/110) and my thyroid and liver function were borderline farked plus fat levels etc...was all pretty scary. I went to see the doc coz I was getting gnarly heartburn that gaviscon wouldn't subdue and the doctor was like "I can't schedule yo for an endoscopy as you blood pressure is too high, so they won't anesthetize you"...that was pretty eye opening for me and made me realise I wasn't actually that keen on dying young!

Hope you get it all sorted relatively quickly bud.
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Yeah wow you want to sort that stuff out early.

I had a routine blood test a couple months back that showed low liver function. Ultrasound then showed fatty liver disease. My cholesterol was in high end of normal range. Was slightly overweight but nothing ridiculous - 188cm/94kg. Doc said that would all be fine for most people, but my liver must be particularly sensitive and I need to maintain mega low cholesterol and perfect BMI.
It's amazing how much more energy I've got after cutting out some crappie food and upping the exercise. Liver gets retested in December.

Good luck with it - reckon you'll be amazed how quickly it turns around.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

So apparently being able to beat the adminihampster aka @k31th in a food off won't work for me.


Blood results now say that I'm actually unwell despite looking fairly good!


I have 3 months, according to my gp, to lower my cholesterol (which is 4x normal) and blood pressure (which was 170/118 then 160/93  resting a few minutes later) or then it's hardcore medication time.


That would explain those heart murmurs when I train high reps.


Brb restructuring macros and cutting kcals for 3 months... :ohnoes: 2810 down to 1780 to lose a kg per week. Yikes!


I'd still beat ya K31th but I might die early if I tried.


WMMFG? At least I caught it now and can fix it relatively quickly!


Hopefully it all comes good when I drop 10kgs. :dontknow:



I'm a t2 diabetic. I found out in July. My cholesterol was a bit out. Hdl was low and ldl was high and trigs were up also. 

They whacked me straight on statins (crestor) to sort my cholesterol out and threw gliclizide and metformin at me to get my bgl back to normal. 

Last week I was having hypos so I had to cut out the gliclizide which drops your sugars. 

Went back on Monday and requested a follow up blood test to check what's going on. 

Got the results yesterday and I'm a bees pen*s away from beating t2. Cholesterol is almost even again except trigs. 

Anyway my point is I used diet to fix this with the aid of the meds but mostly diet is the reason it turned around so fast. Most ppl get diagnosed take the meds and carry on eating sh*t. 


If if you want to get your cholesterol sorted asap have a read of the 8 week blood sugar diet by Michael Mosely. 

I've not started it because of the hypos with the meds but when they settle down I'll rip into. 


If if you eat butter swap it for olive oil butter. Sack canola oil for olive oil. Cut out carbs. Especially sugar and refined carbs like cereals and bread. If you need bread a good soy and linseed bread like burgen is good. 

And drop another 1000 cal from that 1780 out of your diet while still weight training and the weight will drop off you. 


You've got the right idea. Catch it now and it's easier to fix. 

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