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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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^ Haha indeed. I used to get wooden spoons snapped over my head, but then again I used to go to school with black eyes and sh*t too..


Fark parents. I dont have any and dont talk to my family at all....farken kents including my sister!

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  • Member For: 11y 1m 6d
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Lol, reminds me of an autocorrect fail where my phone thought Tits was more appropriate than Liz when responding to a business sms.

Haha - can't remember the exact text, but my first phone with auto correct


Was sms'ing a new chick to ask her out for something to EAT


Ended up calling her FAT

By far the most spectacular message fails are the reply all emails that people lose there jobs over. I can't be bothered giving an elaborate example but it is as halarious and devastating as your imagination can make it coz its probably already happened. Ive heard a few good ones like replying the world to multiple companies saying a particular staff member of another company is a rug muncher when it was intended for a single internal recipient....

Never reply all...

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