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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Introducing my eldest (6yrs old) to Star Wars.


He's nearly getting it-


"dad, whys baby Yoda big in the star wars movies but not in the show?"
"is that dath Vader's dad?"
"why is Luke Anikin so big in this movie"
"is Padme Princess Liea?"
"why is Luke,Darth Vader now?"

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  • 2 months later...
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They are ridiculous. As you can imagine, my kids aren't short. Both were well beyond the max heights recommended on the booster seats when they hit 7.

Laws are aged based rather than height based because people are stupid and they think by keeping the criteria simple, more kids will be properly restrained. But too bad if you are in my boat where the laws made the kids less safe.

Anyway, all over now and less mucking around when I need to fold the rear seats!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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WMMFG- 3 months into my government job and LOVING IT! 

I get to dress in a skirt half the time and steel caps and hi vis the other half. I work whatever hours I want, quite literally and get home most days in the afternoon with plenty of time to hang with the fam. I can work from home if I’m sick (or my kids) or not feeling it (which helps so much with my illness). 

It has all my PM and operations skills utilised to the max and my team is bloody amazing! 


I feel extremely lucky to have landed the opportunity with loads of room to progress upwards and sideways if I want as well and I get to work on the coolest projects. 

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