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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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15 hours ago, El Andrew said:

Haha nah - I like my Nespresso or proper espresso.

Or Aeropress... Sweet, sweet Aeropress.

Actually this morning I ordered a coffee and then noticed the barista basically had snot dripping out his nose while constantly trying to sniff it away. Having just had the whole family down with a bad cold, including having to cancel a trip to the coast, I wasn't going to risk it! Just quietly slipped away and bought another one somewhere else.


And this is the reason I'm so incredibly happy having my own espresso machine. Wouldn't have originally spent that much on a machine, but my gf at the time wanted to pay half and get me something special for my 30th...but then broke up with me a couple of days before my birthday and I had to buy her out for it...so kinda got forced into spending double what I was going to on a coffee machine, but no regrets - it's farking awesome!



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16 hours ago, k31th said:



coming from a single male knocking at the door of middle age with not even a girlfriend/boyfriend on the horizon is pretty rich :aaggl:

It must have been a day for poetry cos Mrs BCB was also presented with a poem at her morning yoga class (cos it was her birthday)

when she told the class that I had written a poem for her a friend said "that will never happen to me ever, ever" 

Mrs BCB said that pretty much all the other women in the class were looking at her with envy

told me she felt very special :original:

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12 minutes ago, Ford Freak said:

I want to go to sleep hurry up.


That one during the week. We have about 3 hours together in the evening before bed and most of that is spent eating dinner, putting the kids to bed and cleaning up after.

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1 hour ago, bloodycrashboy said:

Mrs BCB said that pretty much all the other women in the class were looking at her with envy

told me she felt very special :original:

Whether it's effective or not doesn't stop it from being lame haha. I know it works, but I still think the process is super lame.

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