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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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LOL graphic design is my weak point haha

I'm good at building software that works, not software that looks good ;)

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Since our house is two story on a slope all our decks have stairs down to the backyard ... As such lilly is too little to go down to the toilet... So the laundry deck got made into a fake terf area/toilet for lilly today with new gates and a doggy door from her space in the laundry :)

Nice little diy project for a sunny Saturday


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  • Filthy weeb
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This has me wondering, do only Aussies often (often, not always) have pets sleep in the laundry or is it a global thing or only a handful of others?

These are the important questions that keep me up at night.

Edited by stubbietubbie
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Lilly sleeps in our room next to my bed ... That's her space for when I'm at work etc until she can learn to be around the entire house and still go outside to pee and poop... Using a smaller area and extending it little by little as they get older is usually a good way to toilet train... She gets up in the night and goes to the laundry for a wee and is fine ... But I don't wanna bet my new couch and carpets on a day with run of the house just yet hahah

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  • I <3 Floods
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Go a phone call from the boss last night.. Local business ambrose comp today..

I put my name down but was too late (first in first served) for our companies team..

2 of the 4 blokes pulled out leaving my boss and one other.. Boss decided that he wanted to enter the two man ambrose comp instead as that's what most of the other local engineering companies were entering.. Apparently his competitive drive is not limited to the business world..

So I copped a bit of jeering on the first tee with a horrible shot off the tee.. Thank god it was ambrose.. Together we only managed a 7 on the first hole.. Second hole we found our form and nailed 3 on a par 4.. After that my boss kept his power game and I dominated the short game.. Shot of the day was a 100m pitching wedge in to score 2 on a par 5 after the boss man did nearly a 370m drive from the tee.. (pure skills there.. No flukey sh*t)..

After 18 holes we walked away 14 below par..

Don't know if we won yet as we were one of the first groups off and it wasn't shotgun..

One of the groups behind us scored a hole in one on a par 3 also.. So it was a good competition..

If we win we don't get anything except for a trophy.. But $2000 bucks goes to the charity we nominated..

Then I stopped in to rebel sport and price matched a vivosmart and heart rate monitor.. So I'm feeling good about getting active again.. Especially since my Fitbit thinks I only did 6000 steps on an 18 hole round of golf..

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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That reminds me, I should go for a hit at the driving range soon.

I actually was dreading going to a friends (who's also and ex and then more recently a friend with benefits) birthday drinks at the pub yesterday as she was going to be the only one I knew there. The medication I've been on for a few weeks now has definitely helped get me in a more positive head-space so I actually left the house and went out in public with other people. I'd never met her current boyfriend (hence another reason I was a bit iffy about the whole thing) or any of her current friends really but actually turned out to have a really good arvo/evening/night. Her boyfriend is a champ and her friends I was sat with at my end of the table were really nice and we all got along really well. One of the couples I was sitting with invited me back to their place afterwards for more drinks and cards and stuff (to which I suggested I stop home and pick up Cards Against Humanity, as none of them had ever played it). Ended up playing a rowdy game of CAH and then moved onto Monopoly and I ended up not getting home until 1:30am and had a great time. So I'll chalk that up to a win!

Edited by .Stripes.
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I bought some weird branded deodorant last night from a little shop in Sri Lanka. Rolled it on this morning and it smells EXACTLY like the interior of my car. That smell of FPV leather mixed with the faint smell of an old 'black ice' air freshener.

Boy was that a welcome scent after nearly 9 months of missing my car

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