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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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My mates decided to play Edward wine hands (gaffa tape a bottle of wine to each hand) with Moët champagne this afternoon. I was there for the beginning and long enough to see two people finish their first bottles but had an appointment to go to so didn't partake and had to leave. Plus I figured I should lay off the booze for a while given my liver function was a bit low when I had a recent blood test.

Came back 2 and a half hours later to find one of my mates sitting in a chair with his head in his hands and couldn't bring himself to lift his head to say hi, another bloke in the pool looking pretty worse for wear, Frenchy passed out on the sofa as I walked in the back door...he briefly woke up and let me know he was the only one who still had his clothes on then passed out again and then I found another dude starkers and spewing his ring up.

My mate who initially had his head in his hands managed to stumble inside, nearly fall over everything in the lounge while laughing like a little school girl and fall face down on the sofa next to me...he then proceeded to start snoring pretty quickly. Then the dude who was in the pool stumbled in and fell over in the lounge so I helped him up to the sofa...he proceeded to pass out. At which point I checked on the dude throwing up, as it sounded nasty. He assured me he was ok so I decided to go home.

Got a call just now from my mate who's house it is saying he just woke up and everyone's passed out still. He also reckons he remembers me being there when he finished his first bottle but that's it, doesn't remember anything after that haha.

Seeing all this made me feel good I didn't join in.

Edited by .Stripes.
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Yeahhhh, I've had some big nights with these mates and we've had a whole of fun...but this didn't look overly fun.

sh*t Mick, that's pretty terrible. Sorry to hear mate.

Edited by .Stripes.
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Had alcohol poisoning at 16 and had my stomach pumped, needless to say I didn't drink scotch ever again!

Finally getting the electricity in the house done which means more aircons and dedicated lines for the home theatre. It has only been 4yrs... lol

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love the dog kennel bit lol

Gin for me at 16 asleep in long grass for hours ,bitten and sunburned

to the sh*thouse

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Cane Fire I bought my mate for his 18th, we downed the bottle and woke up sweltering in the tents in the backyard on a 35° day with a hangover. They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.

Few years later I drank a third of a bottle of Bundy while alone at home and chatting to birds on MSN. Woke up with it spilt in the keyboard and my face laying on said keyboard....still have the bottle unused a decade later as I now almost retch just at the smell of it thanks to the bad experience.

Even got sent a screenshot of me passed out on webcam from one of the ladies too. Clothes still on at least.

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