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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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I know it almost down to the word. Still clicked it again for old times.

Long live 'The IG" no tulip flower for sure.

That is the real deal from one of the best orators of the last century.

Bearing down on the mid sixties . Proper legend.No fear, no fun.

What's this Azalea \ using the lords name in vein ?

Bam etc

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Ye Angel,

She's a muffin... Jet has turned into a sook... He's always wanted a bulldog but then didn't want a girl one ...

Well now it's "hello baby girl, your so beautiful" hahah full on brought out his inner teddy bear. So much so I've almost convinced him to get a boy one Aswell lol.

Here is a question for the general dog owner though...

Do any of u believe in that pet insurance, we got a free eight weeks of it when we got her but I dunno whether to continue it.

On one hand I insure everything I own including ourselves, but on the other hand it's not very cheap.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Successfully haven't had pet insurance.. And haven't needed pet insurance.. 1 dog and 2 cats.. Just make sure our yard is secure.. I imagine if your dog got hit by a car and loved you would wish you had pet insurance..

Depending on the insurance it doesn't really cover all that much unless it's top level.. (Well when I looked into it anyway).


Moving the little man into a big boys bed.. Seriously single mattresses are fexking awesome! I remember sleepin on a thin sheet of foam as a kid.. This thing is more comfortable than my bed!

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