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What Made You Feel Good Today

Ralph Wiggum

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Finally picked up my FPV Tornado from Pickles Auctions. I've been obsessing about this thing for the last two weeks and today I finally got to actually take possession of it.

The auto electrician that I used last time reckoned that there is something different about FPVs and didn't want to do it. I'm pretty sure it's standard BF Falcon stuff.

The bloke he referred me to was mobile and was there in an hour.

After squabbling with Pickles about their company policy last week (ie all vehicles must leave on truck or trailer, nothing can be driven out) I managed to get someone to let me drive it out of there on a Temporary Movement Permit (similar to a NSW pink slip).

Coding the keys cost me $110 (damn good price for mobile). The two key blanks cost me $10 a while ago. Cutting cost me zero (friend). The Temporary Movement Permit gives me 48 hours to go wherever I want and cost $22.80. Didn't have to pay exorbitant towing fees after all. Tow truck drivers (that were already there) were quoting $50 just to move the car from one side of the gate to the other (a few metres).

Anyway, smack on 5pm. Put a battery in the car (battery was missing). Put the key in. Turn the key.

Nothing. Zip. Nada. Panic. Head racing.

After racking my brains for a few seconds, I decided that I'm not a particularly huge fan of the start button on the dashboard. Stupid idea. Duh.

The car started and drove home fine. No unexpected nasty mechanical dramas. Engine runs smoothly. Transmission is good. Some diff noise (might just be axle bearings).

It's 5am now and I've been doing various things on it all night. Couldn't do the things that I wanted to do, but have done other

things that I hadn't intended to do tonight. That interior won't be easy, but it won't be as hard as I was expecting. A tad over the smell of old dog hair though.

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