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Thrust Bearing Abnormally Noisy


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  • Member For: 13y 2m 18d

Gday Gents,

Ive had my 11 FG XR6T for a week and this morning I carried out my usual routine of letting her warm up for a minute before setting off. What I noticed today was the abnormally loud noise when the clutch was disengaged. Im almost certain its the thrust bearing. After a quick google on the subject, it seems a lot of people just accept this is normal (for the model). The car hasnt even done 10,000 ks so Im a bit reluctant to just put up with it. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience and what the response from Ford was?


Edited by CDR_078
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Dont know about the FG but the BFs always have a fair amount of roll over noise. It could be more than normal thou, although you tend to notice things after having the vehicle for a little bit not so much when you first get it or test it.

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Mine is the same. First noticed it when it had about 100km on it......(not 100,00km!!)

had it "Checked" by two dealserships and they both tell me it is "Normal". There are a few topics on here that using different oil in the gearbox goes a long way to reducing the rollover noise from the gearbox.

Interestingly though, my understanding is that the HSV R8 has the same gearbox, and my brother in laws makes no such noise?

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Where do we start... :)

BA and BF's run a T56 6 speed, with a 2 piece cluster. The FG runs the TR-6060 with a single piece cluster. The TR-6060 has larger gears than the T56, however they still have the same bearings.


We have found that the pre-load on the bearings in the transmissions isn't quite up to a specification that we build them to. We would recommend that you still run the standard transmission oil in these gearboxes. The rollover noise can be eliminated or made much quieter with blueprinting.

Clutch plates also play a part in rollover noise. If the plate is not insulated, it can amplify the roll-over noise. Try lifting the rev's slowly 400-500rpm and see if it goes away.

I know the T56 in my ED XR6 is noisey as hell, due to the large cam and lumpy idle. If the box was behind a standard engine, it would be nice and quiet. Also, the T56 fitted to my work ute, is dead quiet at idle after a 2 hour drive to work, and the box has over 100,000k's on it.

Just for intrest sake... early VE's ran a T56 with a 1 piece cluster, and the later VE's are fitted with a TR-6060 and 1 piece cluster.

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OED666, cheers for that - very useful reading. It appears, once warm, the noise goes so its not a huge issue for me. Just found it unusually audible for such a new car. My old 32 GTR had an OS Giken twin plate that made less noise

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