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Hi all,

Just joined this forum and this is my first post.

Just brought a 2009 Fg XR6 turbo.

can some of you forum gurus help me with these question. I know some might sound silly and simple,

1. Is there any way to find how much fuel I have left in my fuel tank in litres.

2. The RANGE mode of my Cluster is it accurate? It reached 0Km today and beeped but I could still drive it for another 2 kms is that right? does'nt that mean my fuel tank is empty?

3. How do I know when my fuel goes in reserve. How many litres is the reserve tank?

Help much appreciated.

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  • Member For: 14y 1m 27d
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1) Not that I know of.

2) Yes, the Range is reasonably accurate. The idea is not to reach zero but it does seem to have a safety margin of a couple of km's at 0. Remember though that at this stage you have less than a litre in the tank so any sort of hill will starve the engine of fuel and so the sensor probably can't even detect the last 500mL of fuel.

3) There is no reserve tank. In fact, it's unusual for a car to have a reserve tank...

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  • Member For: 15y 28d
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  • Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

I would actually call it inaccurate, don't think the FG changed. The range is usually calculated from the average so it can be off significantly. Utes hold 75litres I believe and sedan I think is 65. Best thing to do is top the tank off drive till almost zero and see how much fuel you get in.

Ive gone through the 0 on range and found 5 litres still in the tank. Even 10 litres with bout 20km left when the average is high.

Basically the fuel light means reserve if you want to think of it like that.

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