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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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You sir, are a genius!

Reminds of year 11 school camp where a kid took a sh*t in the cistern so that every time the toilet was flushed, bits of turd come through. Poor bastard got expelled for it! Bit stiff if you ask me. All the male teachers thought it was a good laugh

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reverse Kangaroo

throw up into the water reservoir and let the river flow out the other side into the bowl...


I also lol'd

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Went to a bucks party (yes I am in the right thread)

Party started at 1, I finished work a bit after 3, mistress wasn't home so I got a $40 cab to party around 4:30. Usual thing, backyard BBQ and some tits to bring us drinks. By 6 things were getting rowdy and by 6:15 the party had dissolved into a brawl with the buck laid out cold on the lawn.

SO I went to a firends place and played kings cup for a few hours and then into town. get home around 3 and had to be at work by 7. Working on the highest structure at work and seedy as I <3 Bananas

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Yuk spit perrr.....

4:30am this morning I'm rummaging thru the pantry looking for some munchies to take to work, I find the kiddies chip box and find a heap of blue packets which 9 times out of 10 means their plain!

SCORE I say to myself and grab 3 packs!

Well I just opened up a pack and put half in my mouth before I realised something ain't right, I look at the pack and their GODDAM SOUR CREAM & CHIVES.....YUK, can't stand that sh:t!!!!

Bloody Aldi chips, sneaky bastards!

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Pissed off coz it's my last night in Mexico

Thanks for your hospitality folks but PLEASE learn that "Keep left unless overtaking" actually means what it says.

Oh and the concrete curbing at pit lane.....that pisses me off as well

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Fair trade Don.

I went to SA and came home with a gutter rash. You come here and take one back with you :(

I blame the nazi zero tolerance on speeding on most of the right hand lane hogs - they don't dare go a couple of k's faster to get a clear left lane to pull into (and don't realise they are sitting on about 10km/h less than their speedo says)

Been a pleasure having you over - hope you only come back when you want to, and not because you broke something

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