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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Working fine for me atm sdp.

Turn it off, ctl-alt-del and stop it totally then fire it up again and let it recheck all the files

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Utorrent not working..

Everything stops at 'checked'.. Then no downloads happen..

Check you don't have a data cap set in preferences that is used up for the cycle?

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  • I <3 Floods
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Seriously I turned it off and on about 8 times..

Why does it work the first time I turn it off and on after someone posts an IT crowd meme?

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people like to bitch

that's just how it is

if it pisses you off that much Dags - and it obviously does - ask him to have the forum removed from the tapa list..........................problem solved


While rab was over here he introduced me to the electric cig and where to buy the nic and flavours for it and gave me his old one to use and I know that it's gunna run out before all of the stuff I bought gets delivered so I'm gunna have to go back to the rollies to fill the time gap

I tried a disposable ecig and loved it however I need to source the nic to totally replace the darts - care to share via pm?

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  • WOT?
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Maybe start a new thread BenDoCo outlining your thoughts and how you went about getting the stuff (I could, but will probably miss some helpful points that you'd mention as just starting out investigating them)

Could be a few people interested that would like to jump aboard or even introduce a couple to the idea that have never heard of them.

Just mention a couple of the flavours and you should pique some interest ;)

ps: how many rollies today?

Edited by raband
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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just rolled and had the fourth for the day and that was only rolled out of habit (was getting frustrated trying to get a bit of javascript to run properly so I got up to have a break and ---- well ---- I rolled 1)

http://juicewhore.com.au/ in aus for flavours old mate and http://www.healthcabin.net/ (china or somewhere like that) for the nic OR you can buy the flavoured nic from them as well as everything else you need.

Yeah I might do that rab when I get it all coz it's bullshyte how much tobacco costs these days.


sorry........back on topic.



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  • WOT?
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Hardware from either store too (just the nicotine juice you can't buy local)

Batteries, cartridges that hold the juice and the atomizers (that turn the juice to vapor) allow you to refil the units rather than dispose each time you empty one.

I've suggested to BenDoCo to grab a set of Ego batteries, Cartomizers (refillable cartridge/tank and atomizer in a single unit) and some coils (replace the part in the cartomizer with a coil rather than replace the whole tank)

Batteries are about $15

Cartomizers about $5

Replacement coils about $1

Juice is about $8 for a weeks supply :)

(expect the first purchase to be around $100-$150 realistically after postage, a couple of batteries, stockpile of cartomizers and coils and a few different juices to try. After that it's just topping up supplies as needed in a way that keeps postage to a minimum)

on topic: work tomorrow after a great 5 day break - probably the last break til xmas (other than public holidays)

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