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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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That's assuming that people actually accept anything that door-knockers are selling... I would hazard a bet that the percentage of success for their "sales" is really low.

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  • WOT?
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If it's a monthly thing they get you to sign up for too they don't get it until a month or 2 later - the husband usually comes home, finds out and cancels the commitment.

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Charities have become a really professional business these days.

The down side is there is a large percentage that goes to wages and administration, with that professionalism.

Call me a grumpy sceptical old so and so. But I rarely donate these days.

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  • WOT?
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There's some worthwhile ones (couple of websites that sort the crap out).

I don't mind the one where you "lend" some money to a person in a 3rd world place who uses it to start up/help fund their own business/service. They pay it back over time and you can then lend it to the next person.

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  • Sucker
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The council have restricted where those fckers can harass people now in Brisbane CBD, they have to be licensed etc. to do it. Which is bloody brilliant as they were getting out of control. Still annoying parasites but at lease they are controlled a bit.

But the people handing out the free MX papers in the arvos are now just as feral. They practically stand in your way and attempt to thrust them in to your hand, I've gone from politely declining to just barging past and being a rude *beep* now.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Brisbane CBD charities and pamphlet hander outerers.. That really used to remind me of running the gauntlet on the way into the polling booth..

And yeah Ralph I am guessing sales are bad for the door knockers on the monthly scheme things, They get paid until you drop out of the scheme.. But we did sign up to one monthly scheme after a door knocker came around.. I wouldn't give credit card details to an 18 year old walking up and down the street with no validation that he actually worked for said charity.. So I took the details for the charity.. Went online and signed up.. (Somehow I forgot to put his reference number he gave me in when I did the online sign up... Whoops)..

Charities are big business these days..

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  • WOT?
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One of the kids who used to rent a room off me was doing the same sort of thing (but for one of the electricity doorknock companies)

Was as dodgy as you can get.

Often the 2 week cooling off period was used by them under the table.

Not enough quota today/this week?

Sign up a couple of the houses that refused (without them knowing) then call back and cancel after the tallies had been counted and before the switch actually happened.

Found out one day that my house had switched suppliers (without me knowing) :S

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  • WOT?
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WPMO - being bored sh*tless at work - to the point that you browse forums and post a hell of a lot more than you should :P

I should set up some blocks on the router during work hours to keep me off the forums.

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Am in the same boat.<br /> <br />For some reason, walking down a busy street in the CBD at lunch time - it's always me the bucket holders pick out of the mob to do the hard sell on.<br /> <br />Those and the mentally challenged when on public transport. Half full bus/train carriage - heaps of empty seats. Guaranteed they decide to sit next to me and try to strike up conversation.

<br /><br />Obviously you're not walking around with a greasy enough look on your face. Having studied in the city for 5 years I've mastered the f#%k off look for these cretins.
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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WPMO - being bored shitless at work - to the point that you browse forums and post a hell of a lot more than you should :P

I should set up some blocks on the router during work hours to keep me off the forums.

What do you do for a Crust?

Also WPMOT Toll Ipec. Ordered a Nexu5 and it's on track to be delvired tomorrow, problem is nobody will be home.

No probs I think, I'll just call T®oll Ipec and request they hold it at the depot.

T®oll "oh no sir we can't do that, if nobody is home the driver will leave a card and you can pick it up from the depot"

Me "and what time would that be"

T®oll "oh sometime between 1700 and 1900, You'll need to bring the card as well"

Me "gee that's handy"

I work LITERALLY across the road from the Depot and live 25kms away. So they expect me to drive home, get the card and drive back.


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