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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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My sh!tposting in the spark plugs thread was removed along with the rest hahaha, sucks because I had set up a good one, offering to post "multiple pictures of the best gap if it would help anyone".


Edited by -SteveR-
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  • WOT?
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Just sat down in my chair at the office and find I've ripped a hole in the crotch of my jeans.

Must have been on the ride to work this morning.

Now to work out whether to try and get through the day with it, or if it's going to expand and cause a wardrobe malfunction.

Glad I didn't go commando today.

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  • WOT?
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This is beyond a joke now - the emails I was getting from business contacts asking for donations to whatever 'thon they're taking part in.

Just got a reminder today from a clients "executive assistant".

From the email:

Dear Supplier

We recently sent you an email from ........

You are a valued supplier to .... and we would appreciate your generosity

Then in hightlight:

Your donation of $50 or more will go towards .....

Is it just me, or is that getting a tad ridiculous? And a little bit towards a demand?

Edited by raband
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  • WOT?
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"Dear supplier,

As a valued client we're asking for a small donation of $150 to help our charity "Rab's Jean* Replacement Therapy".

Please assist this needy cause so we can continue to call you a valued supplier"

*not to be confused with other bodies doing gene research.

Edited by raband
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Your donation of $50 or more will go towards .....

This bit really grinds my gears. I'l decide on the appropriate amount to donate thank you. I've questioned door knockers about this and been told that donations less than $50 are too costly to process.

That to me speaks volumes about the business model the "charity" uses.

I have also been stopped (when in work clothes with my employers name on the clothes) and been told "oh you work in mining you can afford to donate" , Yes I do and Yes I can, my question to this person was do you donate your time or your pay from this job to the charity? Generally they either don't answer or answer no and walk away.

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  • I <3 Floods
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haha I agree Ralph.. I lost it at someone who was collecting money in a shopping centre.. 'Who are you to tell me what I should be donating to? For your information I already support quite a lot of charities chosen by my wife and I quite regularly'. There were a few expletives in there also because she generalised about the way I was dressed and the town I was in.. (Mackay/Hi Vis)..

We had a door knocker for Cerebral Palsy at our door the other day also (Wife was home I wasn't) he was really really pushy to get her to sign up to $50 a month.. Wanted my wife's drivers license/credit card etc.. She said no and was quite distraught by the guy.. I rang the foundation to complain.. They admitted that their door knockers get paid on comission.. it's 15% of whatever they earn. No wonder the pricks are pushy..

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  • WOT?
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Am in the same boat.

For some reason, walking down a busy street in the CBD at lunch time - it's always me the bucket holders pick out of the mob to do the hard sell on.

Those and the mentally challenged when on public transport. Half full bus/train carriage - heaps of empty seats. Guaranteed they decide to sit next to me and try to strike up conversation.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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it's 15% of whatever they earn.

15%? so potentially $7.50 per door they knock on? 5 to 7 mins a door? potential for 8 to 9 p/hr at $7.5 per door?

$60 p/hr knocking on doors for a "charity" fark me I'm in the wrong game!

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