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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Been over to Europe the last month, seen some nice cars, went for a lap down the motor way as a passenger 200+km now I want a turbo again :( why do I keep selling them lol

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Australian politics and the popularity contest it has deteriorated into. If I see one more article about someone not wanting to vote because they don't like either leaders does my brain in. You're voting for a party to govern, not one person. This is not America, they are not a president with the power of veto.

Furthermore, the Labor Party and their complete cluelessness with areas of the economy. The changes to FBT will do an enormous level of damage to the automotive retail sector. A large percentage of the cars we sell these days are novated leases and this will reduce that demand. This means less jobs for sales people, finance and insurance, admin, mechanics, and that is before talking about how it well affect local manufacturing that's already on the mat waiting to be stomped on - and the massive job losses that have already occurred at leasing companies like NLC that watched their enquiry levels drop to about 2% day on day.

Not to mention they just snuck through they will also terminate 800 public service positions. Now I like to rag on people with cushy jobs as much as the next bloke, but they're still people with families.

A car manufacturer stands down 200-400 jobs and it's front page news, the Labor party terminates 800 people from the public sectors and put at least double that at risk in the automotive and finance industries and that's ok...


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Just wait til the mindless hordes fall in love with Rudd's presidential election campaign again.

Don't make the mistake of thinking you have more than two choices people. The reality is, with preferential deals, even if you vote for the Greens or Independents, you're still voting for Abbott or Rudd.

Edited by _Velocity_
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  • Sucker
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Killer headache, two panadol remaining, one flings out of the packet and ricochets off the desk on to the floor, roll chair out to find the fcking thing and as luck would have it it's landed right under my chair. Successfully grind half of it to dust whilst the other half gets projected across the office never to be seen again.

Then the phone rings and it's someone from a call centre on the other side of the planet that doesn't really have a great grasp on english who is quibbling over $7.12 on an account that turns over on average $50k per month. Hung-up on him before I did serious damage.

Need a drink.

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