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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Personally, I don't care if I can see the P-Plates due to treating every motorist like they're a moron out of paranoia for damage to my vehicle, so I don't need to think "oh, it's a P-Plater, I'll treat him/her like they are a more dangerous driver" :)

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Lol.. I don't see why it's bad? Makes em easier to see then the ones people lay on their dash boards or have behind 5% tint..

Yeah, that's why in NSW they need to be mounted externally on the vehicle and the entire P should be vertical and visible (so mounted against the number plate rather than taped to the rear window).

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Pissed off today ...when I got the whipper snipper out and nicked a bit of dog sh*t.....had my mouth open and everythang!

Ohh dear

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Been seeing this a lot lately. Fkn p plates attached to number plates. What's wrong with having them in the car like normal ppl

P plates next to number plates started off in NSW.

Now that you mention it I see quite allot of them displayed like that. Generation Y X. :)

Edited by nick d
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  • I <3 Floods
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Just burned my frikkin hand getting my pumpkin scones out of the oven..

Stupid tea towel not being thick enough..

Wife said 'why didn't you just use the oven mitt'.. I said cause I couldn't find it.. Then she says 'oh yeah.. It's in the babies room.. He was having fun playing with it'.

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Flucking tourists.....barstards are everywhere you cant throw stick without hitting one.

Thought this was supposed to be the remote outback...the only thing remote about it is the one in the room that changes channels on the idiot box.

Every siding/rest area is 10-20 deep with vans from Alice to Darwin.

...Mmm scones...now i'm hungry.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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^^^but aren't you one of those 'tourists' Dags

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Dropped my week old galaxy s4 last night after a few beers. Screen is buggered.

I refused to pay for insurance and a phone cover at the time.doh

Will be really peed off when the drop resistant cover arrives from ebay tmw.

A new s4 it is...

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