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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • I am dissatisfied with my current employment situation
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Old drivers, fkn just pull out at round a outs, *beep* nearly t boned me. I was half way through already ffs

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  • loitering with intent
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work computers not allowing me to play my usb stick chockers of mp3's

USB = ultra small boy" stick and an MP3 is an exotic strain of venereal fungus ?

Just askin. I understand it is also called the Gundagai Gag. Ask Baldy

not forget those terrioerists in Boston

Conspiracy theory ?

Is this the attack in Boston a precursor to something worse still.?

Coincidence ? Guilty, set up or just dumb luck mmmmmm


3 generations of nutters one does wonder

Edited by Dagabond
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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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farken road closure, waiting for 2 and a half hours and then the cops turn up and say fark off and come back tomorrow

site is shut down tomorrow, normally around 14hrs work and 14 hours driving to get there and back.

The big green button gets hit at 6pm tomorrow night, leaving me with 21hrs of work and travel to make it home by 6pm the next night and pick a young lady up for a 7 pm dinner

fark, taking a chick out to dinner, I am slipping, maybe it's a sign to say bail.

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