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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 13d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure



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  • Turbo Noob
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  • Member For: 12y 5m 13d
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  • Location: Adelaide

2 things!

First: lawns a foot long (as am I) and couldn't do it last week end cause of gout and this week end it effin raining.

Second: given voucher, used it on my Rodeo.. Voucher said 1/11/13. Was actually American date setting and the voucher was void. THEN. Bloke was driving car out after service for test, when I had to yell at him to STOP! Front wheel wobbling like a mofo! (Didn't tighten nuts) Would have fallen off within metres! The guy was very apologetic but WOW.

Time to play some GT5 and dr-stress I think!

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  • Expert
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  • Member For: 20y 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: North Jamberoo, NSW

PEOPLE - Well today has proven to me why I hate everyone yes F@*K YOU ALL C4NT5. In my old car XF UTE heading back home with my 2 kids 8 and 7 the car dies. I pull over have a look, try to start it sounds like no fuel. The fuek guage reading low but not in the red. Great I have no mobile phone and about 10kms from home.

With the kids we waited 30mins hoping someone would stop before we walk to the nearest house. 30mins past about 6 car went by and nothing. So we started to walk about 500 metres, knock on the door no one home.

So we walked back to the car put the hood up and waited for a good member from the public to stop. Well with car going by us surely someone well stop. Kids ok they went and play with a horse next to the car.

2hrs in and still no one has stopped and even seeing the same car go pass 4-5 times I'm starting to get very pissed off, also the kids are complaining now. Dont blame them really it was a little hot. 2.5hrs in a family member drove pass and came to our aid, THANK GOD!! Car fix and away we go.

So all I ca say is shame on today people for not help. I stop if I see a car on the side of the road with it's hood up and have done many times in the past. Well after today everyone can go and get F@*KED never again will I stop and never again..........Shame Shame Shame F@*KING C4NT5.

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