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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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My last run in with the law was worse!

I was entering the highway and as the was a left lane that was merging I moved over to let them into my lane! Hw bike followed me for a good 15mins he then pulls me over and asks why I crossed an unbroken single line.

My reply was the left lane had incoming traffic merging so I gave them room!!!

He takes my license I look back and see the kunt with he's fancy dancy notepad!

When he returns I straight away said haven't you heard about discretion or a warning. He's Excat words were " we have a book this big on the law and I enforce it all " he was a real c00k head! I then sped of doing a high speed inxs of 140 yeah silly but I was pissed. Withing 20 seconds he passes me!!!! He must have been flying! And not to mention he indicates for 1 second when changing lanes so it looks like mr know it all isn't such a top cop! I elected it to go to court.... Try my luck :) I think as he followed me for so long he had to find the smallest thing to pick at. Pricks like that shouldn't have a job

Edited by Kosij
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STIFLR: its a joke isnt it mate...oh well the goverment need more dough mate and seems like we are happy to give it to them...

all boils down to quoter and revenue..

man I dont mind paying the fines(you can always make more money I guess),and in some cases the points (can get them back eventually) but what pi$$es me off is the way they approached you like "your gonna get a$$ raped today" no tw0 ways about it..lol

I wont say anymore,ill get into trouble..hehe

YEP.. it is a joke but I was speeding, gave the pedal a little tickle coming from punt road onto the Monash. Was spotted at 96. Told him I haven't had a speeding fine for 6-7 years and he said write a letter and I'll probably get off.

So will try that and see what happens.

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Getting a speeding fine in the mail from a month ago. 105 in a 100 zone.

Getting 3 speeding fines in the mail and the third one was already committed before I even knew I had the first one because they take so long to come! Obviously they did they're job of slowing me down

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Speed cameras arent preventative. You dont even realise you've done something wrong til almost a month after the incident. A mechanic was done for speeding months ago in my car, and the only reason I was able to get them to take the fine was because I had an invoice dated the same day from them.

More police out there would be better. I know I was speeding, but everyday on that stretch of road I see people cutting others off, driving half in the next lane, road raging others on the road, driving too slow... dont they need to be pulled up for their bad behaviour too? Or is the person who doesnt head check and merges into a truck (happened the other day - shut down 3 of the 4 lanes available) less of a danger on the road than me going 5 over?

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^^^ Completely agree! Don't get me wrong, we aren't meant to speed and if that's the law then too bad but I know a bloke who lost all 12 points in a single trip and prior to had 15 years of no infringements! Like clearly he would have slowed down if a cop pulled him over but a few speed cameras did nothing!

Point to point cameras and a higher cop presence on our roads are the only ways to slow people down!

As for sh*t drivers don't get me started! that's something that pi$$es me off!

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hmm pi$$es me off when after a fun night of getting down with the get down,you wake up to take a leak and you aim is up sh#$creek hitting the side and the floor.

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when you send a message to some cockroach on eBay selling something and they don't reply? do they want to sell there s@#$ or not..oh I did kinda offer him less then advertised but hey gotta haggle! lol

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