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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Guest XR09
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I just farked mine...woman...and not seually.

Why do chicks lie so much ???

I have been falling in love with this girl the last few weeks. Like really could have lost it over her.

She dumps me yesterday because she thinks I have a self destructive nature....and she hates the gunga.

Since our second date I have known she was an x junkie...she has no idea I know.

And yesterday she is giving me the spiel, dumping me because she thinks I have this death wish ir drug problem.... I may have 3 J's a week if and I don't drink...well I have three and am blind and sick for days...cause I dont do the shoite and when I do its like poisen.

I am very fit even with a broken back. and work at least one job a day.

So she is giving me this belittling speila and dumping me....holier then though attitide.

And my life long best mate walks in the door..... he is an X bank bang bang man and junkie. And the one who told me two weeks ago about her.

Ya shoulda seen her face.. He is a pretty scary man to look at in the best of times.

People are farked. Pretencious, delusional losers to scared or lazy to get off their asses and chase a dream......and too weak to handle failure


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I don't think lying is a gender specific thing.. Everyone lies to varying extents..

Example: I am shocking with little white lies to get out of things.. Mate moving house: Sorry gotta work.. Wife's parents visiting: gotta work out west.

But some people lie about almost everything.. I've got a couple mates that if their wife or girlfriends got ahold of their smartphone they'd be screwed.

They lie about finances, they text other women pretending they are single and in one extreme case one bloke told his missus he was with me for the week. To this day I have no idea what the *beep* was up to..

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I think people just tell people what they think they want to hear a lot of the time. Both male and female. We lie to ourselves, too.

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