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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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4 minutes ago, k31th said:

sounds exactly like my schooling experience... immigrants and sons/daughters of immigrants. Some cultures have a bit of trouble assimilating when they are younger but by only a year or two in (very young children) then it was only the people with developmental problems that continued to be like you described, irrelevant of background culture. I don't know much about what's happened since then in schools, but I doubt that's where any problems are realistically arising.


What holidays are they celebrating? If it's positive and is a different cultural experience, who cares?

who cares if there's some vegan or vegetarian stuff in schools?

Because when my child gets told they can’t eat certain things on certain days or they need to say a prayer for a religion in a non religious school or they need to celebrate a day which we don’t believe to be a relevant or real thing, then yes it bothers me.


Its all part of this wide “acceptance” society is forcing upon people to uphold because if we don’t we’re racist or being offensive, when in actuality, I have a healthy respect for anyone who wants to practice their own culture... IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. 


Theres a difference with these new cultures now immigrating from when the Italians, Greeks or Vietnamese immigrated back in the day. They were the vast minority andthe worst thing a “wog” group did was start a pizza bar... you never saw them forcing their culture by taking over whole areas gawking at women saying they were filthy because their arms are out. They went about their business relitively quietly and if anything put up with unsolicited racism and still loved the country and embraced its beauty and people... 


why live ive here if you practice your old culture to extremes? Stay where you were! Unless of course that place is rooted because your culture already screwed it up 😏

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20 minutes ago, k31th said:

who cares if there's some vegan or vegetarian stuff in schools?

you will care when you are tucking into a steak at a restaurant and some hippy mungbeen dick head storms into the place and chucks red paint all over you while shouting "murderer"


11 minutes ago, k31th said:

other than having a street section shut down (which happens all of the time for things like filming, for example; if they have the permit to close it down, who cares?).

sometimes I really wonder why I bother at all Keefy

no body had a permit 

the street wasn't shut down

surely you are not serious here

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8 minutes ago, bloodycrashboy said:

you will care when you are tucking into a steak at a restaurant and some hippy mungbeen dick head storms into the place and chucks red paint all over you while shouting "murderer"

You're just creating a "slippery slope" fallacy, here. Even if this hypothetical scenario did happen (which to be clear, is extremely unlikely), you wouldn't be scarcely able to pin this on immigration, as it would be the militant beliefs of a specific dietary preference within a few individuals. Hardly something to be concerned about.



no body had a permit 

the street wasn't shut down

Now that I paid perfect attention on a second watch, it was only a cop recommending to a reporter that she should not interview people on a specific street, no streets were shut down, no personal liberties were infringed. He also warned her of his "suspicion of her and her crew to create a disturbance of the peace" so he was building a legal reasoning for her arrest if she chose to continue (just an asshole cop move, but a legal one).



10 minutes ago, HRM Fluff of Cornwall said:

Because when my child gets told they can’t eat certain things on certain days or they need to say a prayer for a religion in a non religious school or they need to celebrate a day which we don’t believe to be a relevant or real thing, then yes it bothers me.

Children's diets within schools is a fairly contentious topic all on it's own, but a small restriction like vegan/vegetarian isn't a huge deal for specific circumstances. Also, I haven't heard anything about "forcing" of religious practices, got any links? I'd only heard it was "opt-in" only, for specific religious practices.



Theres a difference with these new cultures now immigrating from when the Italians, Greeks or Vietnamese immigrated back in the day. They were the vast minority and the worst thing a “wog” group did was start a pizza bar... you never saw them forcing their culture by taking over whole areas gawking at women saying they were filthy because their arms are out. They went about their business relitively quietly and if anything put up with unsolicited racism and still loved the country and embraced its beauty and people...

just google "wog gangs", as a basis starting point, and you can see they didn't perfectly assimilate, either. It's dickheads (of any culture) we have to worry about, not entire cultures.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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how come this forum always degenerates to Keefy trying to assert his sometimes naive opinions on everyone with an underlying tone of superiority


good chat


I'm off 



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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I think that’s the point keif which you miss. 


Having an opinion which isn’t conformist isn’t necessarily racist or bigoted, but that’s what people are accused of immediately and often unjustly. 

I have zero hate toward any race or group, I treat all people I encounter with the same respect I expect in return and I regularly engage with people of all races and cultures with no issues, bigoted behaviour or segregation and I’ve never had an issue with that in my life. I do however have a grave concern at the sheer rates of immigration for the reasons stated above. That’s not bigoted it’s respectfully having an opinion, there’s a difference.

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I was calling out Andy's obvious granstanding against vegans (his slippery slope example) and muslims (immigration) as bigoted, which based on what he's said here, I feel is actually true. The good thing about these views is they can be assuaged through careful and considerate thoughts via self-reflection.


You're not a bigot, as far as I can tell :) Your opinion is valid, but the reasoning and ideas going towards a negative future, I think, is largely unfounded, hence my discussion with you.

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Fair enough... but we all know vegans are weirdos *I joke I joke**but they kinda are* 


I think racism has been so prevalent in the past that people are quick to call it and the same with calling people bigots. It’s the gay marriage debate all over again... “you don’t support gay marriage you’re clearly a bigot”. When in actuality most people who voted no were voting due to their own religious beliefs, and given marriage was originally a religious commitment, they had a right to their opinion, right or wrong, if it’s conveyed in a respectful manner. 


I think the passion of people’s opinions gets in the way of respectful part and then it comes across that way even if it isn’t, which I think we are all guilty of sometimes. *puts hand up* 


I think we’ve established BCB is a passionate person to say the least hahaha 

but the discussion is great as learning is always valuable and I do hope that both sides of debates actually listen and absorb and consider rather than just being ignorant and denying the evidence based on stubbornness... which is really easy to do when you’re particularly passionate about your point of view. 




goodnight peeps 💤

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6 hours ago, k31th said:

You're just creating a "slippery slope" fallacy, here. Even if this hypothetical scenario did happen (which to be clear, is extremely unlikely), you wouldn't be scarcely able to pin this on immigration, as it would be the militant beliefs of a specific dietary preference within a few individuals. Hardly something to be concerned about.

I wasn't basing the restaurant scenario on immigration, I was just giving an example of a minority exerting their extremist views on the rest of us

now you can be a knob and call me bigoted if you want to,  that is your prerogative,  but it does not excuse you from your ignorance 

below are just a couple of things that,  according to you,  "is extremely unlikely"  and  "hardly something to be concerned about"










and the list goes on and on

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  • skids
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whats really boiling my blood is the lack of action or talk about the nbn in the current political climate!


the liberals made a huge mistake with FTTN and it makes me so sad when I attend a house with only 12mbit speed on the nbn when a house around the corner will achieve 100mbit- both houses cost taxpayers the same amount to connect.


@bloodycrashboy don't get me started on vegans. I believe their diet contributes to how unreasonable they are.

Edited by skidxr6t
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