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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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But it’s not just one religion though. 

that's a naive attitude to take. 


I think its more cultural rather than religious based tbh because if you actually read and explore Islam and read the Koran you’ll find it has way more to do with the specific interpretations (over interpretations whereby someone has made chit up or twisted it) which relate to a region or country rather than the religion causing the problem itself. 

This can be said for historic Catholicism as well but we don’t ban Catholics, christians or any other catholic based beliefs. 


Historically religion (not one specific one) is to blame for wars, mass killings, abuse etc etc and all done under the heading of “faith”. 


I don’t know what the answer is... but whatever Pauline pants down does in terms of one step forward she always puts herself two back by being a dumb arse. 

Edited by HRM Fluff of Cornwall
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Will move this to the DM WPMO soon if we get too political/religious 


Personally - am happy when apologists on both side argue with each other - they're all knob heads - nothing better than seeing them bang heads :P

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Ahhhh yes it is pretty much one religion, In the western world anyway. Im struggling to think of recent examples where an act of terror has been committed by Catholics, Christians, Sikhs or Jews in the name of their religion. But I can think of a few times another religion has carried out attacks to repent non believers as its his "will"

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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You’re correct in a sense .


But it I will ask if you’ve actually read the Koran... not read inserts people post, but legitimately read it? I think the relevance of making a judgment on an entire religion based on a few nutters is a bit much. 

By that scale all Catholics should be outlawed so we can stop pedophilia. 


“You can’t ask that” on the ABC did a good one on muslims.... it’s on iview and it’s worth a watch. 

Im not saying it’s right or wrong, but I think there’s a lot of BS spoken from either side which can make people grab the pitch forks quicker than necessary. 


Saying that im not wrapped about mass immigration for other reasons, one of which is I do believe after a certain point it can detract from our own culture we’ve created and too many values and traditions and cultural practices (which don’t conform with Aussie ways) are then made normal. 

I am a firm believer that if you want to live here then you adopt our culture, just as if we went to another country we would be expected to adopt theirs.

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Culture is not necessary to adopt, only the conformation with existing values and laws that society requires to function as it currently exists. Mass immigration doesn't threaten that until it gets to the stage that laws are getting changed, which is unlikely to ever even happen.

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6 minutes ago, HRM Fluff of Cornwall said:

By that scale all Catholics should be outlawed so we can stop pedophilia. 


Or move away from historical, outdated and barbaric roles, practices and norms that modern society has grown out of and moved on from?


Should probably move this run of posts, but we'd lose @tazzanz from the discussion (not a DM) and not wanting to do that.

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