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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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On 01/05/2019 at 11:02 AM, Rab said:



Bloody cat


Last few weeks it's been not eating, off it's food, disappearing for a day at a time and has had a seeping eye the last couple of days.

Took him to the vet, they couldn't find anything wrong, gave me some eye drops and a $135 bill - "come back in a week if no improvements".


As soon as we get back home - he's straight onto the bench wanting food and has been back to normal ever since.


Cats are pricks


mrs cat broke his front canine tooth recently somehow, and the gum healed weired like a lump.


had to get it x rayed apparently.


400 bux later


fkn cats

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Result was?


"The cat has a lump - nothing to worry about"


fkn cats


Am going to start strapping GoPro's tho the animals and give them their own youtube channels - if they get no revenue, they get no health care

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Dog had to go in for emergency surgery a couple months ago. 

She was leaking green stuff from her lady bits, got an infection in there somehow, had to chop it all out and all the emergency xrays and drugs etc... $3500 out of pocket later. 

Edited by HRM Fluff of Cornwall
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19 minutes ago, Rab said:

Result was?


"The cat has a lump - nothing to worry about"


fkn cats


Am going to start strapping GoPro's though the animals and give them their own youtube channels - if they get no revenue, they get no health care


mrs kept saying it was cancer, she was moody as fek for weeks leading up to the results.


was nothing. 


but shes still a moody b I a t c h 

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