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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Puff
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Yep this boy just turned 6. This is his 3rd pair in the past 4 months that he's gone through.


If I use his pocket money for the pair I'm buying today, he might look after them better. One can only hope. 

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  • WOT?
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Had to take "little Puff" to the doctor to get a cast for his broken arm


Was teaching him how to ride and he fell off


So.....   I broke his arm.

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  • WOT?
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Ouch - I remember those days.


We ended up training the little turd so well that we had a collection at the end of each week to return to the school so they could go back to their true owners for a while there.


When they bought in compulsory hats it was a nightmare.

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  • Iconoclast
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On 10/10/2016 at 11:32 AM, discostig said:






















Think I better mute this thing, thanks though guys hahaha

You Called??????????

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Most pissed off post I’ve ever had to write.
2 days ago my dad got taken in an ambulance with shallow breathing and I high heart rate, was diagnosed with clots on the lungs, given meds and told he was going to be all good just needed to stay in for a while.
Took the boys in that night to say goodnight even though he was still in resus, they didn’t wanna let me but I did.
Went in to see him the next morning before work, he was chipper... ordered the Tv package for him and gave him a kiss.
Two hours later he was gone.

I got the call he’d stopped breathing and as I sprinted into the hospital a doctor grabbed me and whisked me into a room with my mum... I just kept screaming “no”.

By far the sh*ttest last 2 days of my life.
My dad was still working 12 hours a day, still being normal, we had been living with him and Mum for a week and a half due to the impending move and other than the laboured breathing for a couple days (which I’d been hounding him about) he was fine.

I’m just beyond shattered and I feel like an empty person, my dad was my best mate and my hero. I keep waiting for him to walk in the door and say “hey pal”.
My mum is beyond hysterical... her husband of 40 years is gone.
I love my dad more than anything, he was all of our rocks and now he’s gone. I feel like we weren’t done yet and I’m still in disbelief.

People always say nice things about the dead, but my dad really was the nicest person on the face of this earth. He’s give his shirt to anyone in need and often did. He would do anything to make me and my mum happy and always did. The amount of visitors and love we’ve all had is amazing and it makes you realise the impact he had on so many people. All of a sudden I’m now faced with organising funerals and estates and I thought maybe 30 people, but I’m thinking about 150-200 already want to come. I’m so thankful someone that amazing was my dad. I feel so empty but so thankful and fulfilled I got to have him in my life.

Anyway... rant over... still pissed off.

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